Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1941-1950

Page no. 1682 of 1849       

Swoboda, Innocent Robert
Ignorance in relation to the imputability of delicts - an historical synopsis and commentary - a dissertation / by Innocent Robert Swoboda
Washington - The Catholic University of America, 1941
Monographic text

Sydnor, Charles S.
5- The development of Southern sectionalism, 1819-1848 / by Charles S. Sydnor
°Baton Rouge - Louisiana State university press, 1948
It's a part of > A history of the South / editors Wendell Holmes Stephenson, E. Merton Coulter
Monographic text

Sydow, P.
13- Index universalis et locupletissimus nominum plantarum hospitum specierumque omnium fungorum has incolentium quae e sylloge fungorum saccardiana et e litteratura mycologica usque ad finem anni 1897 in lucem edita / excerpsit P. Sydow
Ann Arbor - Edwards Brothers, 1944
It's a part of > Sylloge fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum / digessit P. A. Saccardo
Monographic text

Sykes, Christopher
Four studies in loyalty / Christopher Sykes
New York - William Sloane Publishers, 1948
Monographic text

Sylvester, L. Arthur
The Handbook of advanced time-motion study / by L. Arthur Sylvester
New York - Funk & Wagnalls Company in association with Modern Industry Magazine, 1950
Monographic text

Sylvester, L. Arthur
The handbook of advanced time - motion study / L. Arthur Sylvester
New York - Furek & Wagnalls Company, Modern Industry Magazine, 1950
Monographic text

Syme, Ronald
Bay of the north - the story of Pierre Radisson / by Ronald Syme ; illustrations by Ralph Ray
New York - W. Morrow and C., 1950
Monographic text

Symonds, Percival M.
Adolescent fantasy - an investigation of the picture-story method of personality study / Percival M. Symonds
New York - Columbia university press, c1949
Monographic text

Symonds, Percival M.
Dynamic psychology / Percival M. Symonds
New York - Appleton-century-crofts, c1949
Monographic text

Symonds, Percival M.
The dynamics of human adjustment / Percival M. Symonds
New York - Appleton-century-crofts, c1946
Monographic text

Symposium in applied mathematics (1. ; 1949 ; Brown Univ.)
Non linear problems in mechanics of continua - proceedings of the first symposium in applied mathematics
Providence - american mathematics society, 1949
Monographic text

Symposium in applied mathematics (1. ; 1949 ; Brown Univ.)
Nonlinear problems in mechanics of continua - (proceedings of the first symposium in applied mathematics of the American mathematical society - held at Brown University, August 2-4, 1947)
New York - American mathematical society, 1949
Monographic text

Symposium on analytical colorimetry and photometry
Symposium on analytical colorimetry and photometry - sponsored by A.S.T.M. committees E-2 and E-3 - presented at the forty.seventh annual meeting American society for testing materials, New York, June 28, 1944
Philadelphia - (s.n.), 1944
Monographic text

Symposium on botanical nomenclature and taxonomy (1948 ; Utrecht)
Botanical nomenclature and taxonomy - a Sumposium organized by the International Union of biological sciences with support of Unesco at Utrecht, the Nederlands, June 14-19, 1948 / edited by J. Lanjouw ; with a supplement to the International rules of botanical nomenclature, embodying the alterations made at the Sixth International Botanical Congress, Amsterdam, 1935, compiled by T. A. Sprague
(Waltham - Chronica Botanica, 1950)
It's a part of > Chronica botanica - international plant science newsmagazine
Monographic text

Symposium on Combustion and Flame and Explosion phenomena (3. ; 1948 ; Madison)
Third symposium on combustion and flame and explosion phenomena / published under the auspices of the Standing Committee on Combustion Symposia
Baltimore, Maryland - The Williams & Wilkins Company, c1949
Monographic text

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