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Baltimore (MD) - (s. n. , 1921-1951 Magazine American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene - official organ of the American society of tropical medicine and hygiene Baltimore (MA) - William and Wilkins, 1952- Magazine American journal of veterinary research / American veterinary medical association (The place of publication is not referred) ; (poi) Schaumburg - AVMA Magazine American labor legislation review Vol. 1(1911)-vol. 32, 1942 Magazine American labor unions - organization, aims, and power / edited by Herbert L. Marx New York - H. W. Wilson, 1950 Monographic text The American labor year book ... / prepared by the Department of Labor Research of the Rand School of social science New York - published by the Rand School of Social Science, c1916- Magazine AMERICAN Law Reports annotated, second series Rochester, San Francisco - The Lawyers co-operative Publishing Company, poiBancroft-Whitney Company, 1948-1965 Magazine American lecture series Springfield - Charles C Thomas Magazine The american legion reader - fiction, articles, humor. cartoons from The american legion magazine / selected by Victor Lasky New York - Hawthorn books, (1953? Monographic text American library directory - 19th edition - a classified list of 11920 libraries with names of librarians and statistical data compiled triennially New York - Bowker company, 1951 Monographic text American library directory - a classified list of 13857 libraries with names of librarians and statistical data compiled triennially New York - Bowker, 1954 Monographic text American library resources - a bibliographical guide / American library association ; edited by Robert B. Downs Chicago - A.L.A., 1951 Monographic text American life in literature - edited by Jay B. Hubbell New York - Harper & brothers, c1951 Monographic text American literature - a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography Durham - Duke university press, 1929- Magazine American literature by Negro authors / Herman Dreer New York - The Macmillan company, 1950 Monographic text |