Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 132 of 1877       

(The army gets scientific)
New York - Acme newspictures, 1951
Graphic document

Army teaches new techniques
New York - The New York Times photos, 1950
Graphic document

Around the world in 1.000 pictures - a photographic encyclopedia of travel to foreign lands / ed. by A. Milton Runyon and Vilma F. Bergane
Garden City, N. Y. - Doubleday
Monographic text

Around the world news of population and birth control
New York, N.Y. - International planned parenthood federation, 1952-1963

Arp - Sidney Janis Gallery, New York
(New York?) - Sidney Janis Gallery, (1950?)
Monographic text

Arrive for President's Security council meeting ... on the Korean situation - left to right- Gen. Omar Bradley ... Admiral Forrest Sherman ... Gen. J. Lawton Collins
New York - Acme newspictures, 1950
Graphic document

Ars orientalis - the arts of Islam and the East / (a cura di) Freer gallery of art, Smithsonian institution, Department of the history of art, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor - Department of the history of art, University of Michigan

Arshile Gorky- memorial exhibition - Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 5-February 18, 1951, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, March 4-April 22, 1951, San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, May 9-July 9, 1951
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1951?) (New York - Plantin press)
Monographic text

The art and architecture of Japan / Robert Treat Paine, Alexander Soper
Harmondsworth - Penguin Books Ltd, 1955
Monographic text

The art and architecture of the ancient Orient / Henry Frankfort
Harmondsworth - Penguin Books Ltd, 1954
Monographic text

The art and technique of color photography - a treasury of color photographs by the staff of Vogue, House & garden, Glamour / Balkin ... (and others ; edited and designed by Alexander Liberman ; documentation compiled by Jonathan Tichenor ; introduction by Aline B. Louchheim
New York - Simon and Schuster, 1951
Monographic text

Art and understanding
Washington, D. C. - Phillips memorial gallery, 1929-

The art bulletin - a quarterly published by the College art association of America
New York - College art association of America

( Art critics)
New York - Wide world photo, 1952
Graphic document

L' art de la medaille en France du 16. eme au 20. eme siecle - exposition du 12 octobre au 12 novembre 1951
New York - Services cluturels de l'ambassade de France, 1952?
Monographic text

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