Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 135 of 1877       

As of january 1, 1951 / edited by Walter H. Mallory
New York - Kraus reprint, 1975
It's a part of > A political handbook of the world - parliaments, parties and press
Monographic text

As of january 1, 1952 / edited by Walter H. Mallory
New York - Kraus reprint, 1975
It's a part of > A political handbook of the world - parliaments, parties and press
Monographic text

As of january 1, 1953 / edited by Walter H. Mallory and Joseph Barber
New York - Kraus reprint, 1975
It's a part of > A political handbook of the world - parliaments, parties and press
Monographic text

As of january 1, 1954 / edited by Walter H. Mallory
New York - Kraus reprint, 1975
It's a part of > A political handbook of the world - parliaments, parties and press
Monographic text

As of january 1, 1955 / edited by Walter H. Mallory
New York - Kraus reprint, 1975
It's a part of > A political handbook of the world - parliaments, parties and press
Monographic text

As of January 1., 1951
New York - Harper & Brothers, 1951
It's a part of > Political handbook of the world - Parliaments, parties and press / Ed. by Walter H. Mallory
Monographic text

Ash-Shaab - published every day except Sundays and Holidays
New York - Joseph M. Khoury

Asia and adjacent areas / compiled and drawn in the carthographic section ofthe National geographic society for the National geographic magazine ; GilbertGrosvenor editor
Washington - National geographic magazine, 1951

Asian nationalism and the west - a symposium based on documents and reports of the eleventh conference Institut of Pacific Relations / edited by William L. Holland ; contributors George McT. Kahin... and others
New York - Macmillan, 1953
Monographic text

Aspects of synthesis and order in growth / R. Y. Stanier ... (and others) ; edited by Dorothea Rudnick
Princeton, N. J. - Princeton university press
Monographic text

Assassination attempt fails - Korean MP's grab Ryu Shi Tae..
New York - Associated press wirephoto, (1950)
Graphic document

ASTM manual on quality control of materials / prepared by ASTM Committee E-11 on quality control of materials
Philadelphia - American society for testing and materials, 1951
Monographic text

Astronomical Observatory of Georgetown College, D.C. Anuals
New York - s.n. , 1852-

Astronomical photoelectric photometry - a symposium presented on December 31, 1951, at the Philadelphia meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science / Edited by Frank Bradshaw Wood
Washington - American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1953
Monographic text

The Astrophysical journal / American Astronomical Society
Chicago (IL) - University of Chicago press, 1895-

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