Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 138 of 1877       

The auk - a journal of ornithology / American Ornithologists' Union
Boston - American ornithologists union, 1884-

Aural detection of grain infested internally with insects / by R. E. Adams ... (and others
Manhattan - Science, 1953
Monographic text

Aureomycin - a review of the clinical literature / Lederle laboratory division, American cyanamid company
New York - Lederle laboratories, (1950)
Monographic text

L' aureomycine dans le traitment de l'amibiase
New York - par Lederle laboratories division, c1950
Monographic text

The auricular arrhythmias / by Myron Prinzmetal ... (and others)
Springfield (Ill.) - C. Thomas, c1952
Monographic text

L' aurora - periodico anarchico
West Hoboken (N. J.) - (s.n.

Aurora und Chrisliche Woche - herausgegeben zum besten des D.R.K. Waisenhauses
Buffalo - s.n.

( Austrian chancellor honored in N. Y. - Austrian chancellor dr. Leopold Figl ... )
New York - Associated press photo, 1952
Graphic document

The author looks at format / comment by Van Wyck Brooks ... (and others) ; edited by Ray Freiman
(New York) - A.I.G.A., c1951
Monographic text

Author's guide for preparing manuscript and handling proof
New York - John Wiley & Sons ; London - Chapman & Hall, 1950
Monographic text

The authoritarian personality / by T. W. Adorno ... and others ; in collaboration with Betty Aron, Maria Hertz Levinson and William Morrow
New York etc. - Harper & Row, c1950
Monographic text

Authority and law in the ancient Orient / by J. A. Wilson ... (and others
Baltimore - American oriental society, (1954?
Monographic text

Auto sportsman
Los Angeles - Trend, 1953-

Autobody trimmer and painter - a merger of automobile trimmer and painter and autobody - for trimmer, painters, auto body builders ..
Cincinnati, Ohio - Spokesman publishing company, 1931-

Autograph collectors' journal
New York, 1948-1953

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