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Garden City, New York - Doubleday, 1955 It's a part of > The modern theatre / edited by Eric Bentley Monographic text 6- The Flick case Washington - United States government printing office, 1952 It's a part of > Trials of war criminals before the Nuernberg military tribunals under Control council law n. 10 - Nuernberg, October 1946-April 1949 Monographic text Flight engineers manual - with typical multiple-choice questions and answers for the flight engineer examination / by Charles A. Zweng. 2. revised ed North Hollywood, Cal. - Pan American Navigation Service, 1953 Monographic text Floods of 1950 / United States Department of the Interior Monographic text The florentine Fior di Virtù of 1491 / translated into English by Nicholas Fersin (sic) ; with facsimiles of all of the original wood cuts published for the Library of Congress ; (introduzione di Lessig J. Rosenwald) Washington - Library of Congress, 1953 Monographic text The flowering Cactus - an informative guide, illustrated in full-color photography, to one of the miracles of Americas Southwest / edited by Raymond Carlson ; photographs and technical data by R.C. and Claire Meyer Proctor New York etc. - Mc Graw-Hill, c1954 Monographic text The flowers of friendship - letters written to Gertrude Stein / edited by Donald Gallup New York - Alfred A. Knopf, 1953 Monographic text Floyd Clymer's historical catalog of 1912 cars - photos, specifications, all U.S. cars Los Angeles - Floyd Clymer, c1955 Monographic text Floyd Clymer's historical catalog of 1927 cars - photos, specifications, US cars Los Angeles - Floyd Clymer, c1955 Monographic text Fluid dynamics - (proceedings of the fourth symposium in applied mathematics of the American mathematical society held at the University of Maryland, June 22-23, 1951) / cosponsored by the U. S. Naval ordnance laboratory ; M. H. Martin editor) New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill for the American mathematical society, 1953 Monographic text The Flushing Remonstrance - the oigin of Religious Freedom in America Monographic text Foaia poporului - the people's news - official organ of the Romanian national committee of United State Cleverand - s.n. Magazine Folder New York, N.Y. - Tiber press, 1953- Magazine 2- Folk ballads from North Carolina / edited by Henry M. Belden and Arthur Palmer Hudson Durham North Carolina - Duke University Press, 1952 It's a part of > The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore - the folklore of North Carolina / collected by Frank C. Brown during the years 1912 to 1943 in collaboration with the North Carolina Folklo... Monographic text Folk songs american - english - irish / set by John Edmunds Boston - R. D. Row, ©1953 Music |