Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 282 of 1877       

Hear me talkin' to ya - the story of Jazz by the man who made it / edited by Nat Shapiro & Nat Hentoff
New York - Rinehart & Company, Inc., 1955
Monographic text

Hearings before the Subcommittee of the Committee on appropriations house of representatives - eighty-first congress, second session
Washington - United States Government printing office, 1950
Monographic text

Heat engineering
New York - F. Wheeler

3- Heating and cooling, mixing, centrifuging, extraction and distribution, dialysis and electrodialysis, crystallization and recrystallization, filtration, solvent removal, evaporation and drying / contributors Geoffrey Broughton ... (and others)
New York ; London - Interscience Publishers, ©1950
It's a part of > Technique of organic chemistry / Arnold Weissberger, editor
Monographic text

Heating and ventilating
New York - National Trade Journals, 1929-1954.

The heating and ventilating magazine - a monthly journal of engineering progress
Chicago - s.n.

Heating, piping and air conditioning
Chicago - Keeney, 1929-

Heavenly days - according to book Charles Coburn is the one who should be in a swoon as he holds ... Marilyn Monroe in his arms while he swirls around the dance floor with her
(New York) - Wide word photo, 1953
Graphic document

Hebraica - a quarterly journal in the interests of hebrew study
Chicago - s.n. , 1884-

The hebrew impact on western civilization / edited by Dagobert D. Runes
New York - Philosophical Library, c1951
Monographic text

2- Hebrew Section / (ed. by Moshe Davis)
New York - The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1953
It's a part of > Mordecai M. Kaplan Jubilee volume - on the occasion of his seventieth birthday / (ed. by Moshe Davis)
Monographic text

Hebrew studies - a journal devoted to Hebrew language and literature
Madison - National association of professors of Hebrew, (1954)-

Hebrew union college annual
Cincinnati - Hebrew union college, 1924 -

The Hell catholic / by Father X
New York - Sheed and Ward, 1952
Monographic text

1- The hellenistic and roman periods / editor Hetty Goldman
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University Press, 1950
It's a part of > Excavations at Gozlu Kule, Tarsus / editor Hetty Goldman
Monographic text

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