Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 288 of 1877       

Hollywood - Joan Crawford ed Humphery Bogart
New York - Globe photos ; Roma - EPS, (1951-1966)
Graphic document

( Hollywood - Joan Crawford fa il parrucchiere ... )
New York - Globe photos ; Roma - EPS, (1951-1966)
Graphic document

( Hollywood - Joan Crawford fa il parrucchiere ... Eccola mentre pettina la signora Green)
New York - Globe photos ; Roma - EPS, (1951-1966)
Graphic document

( Hollywood - Joan Crawford fa il parrucchiere ... Eccola mentre pettina la signora Schoenfeld)
New York - Globe photos ; Roma - EPS, (1951-1966)
Graphic document

( Hollywood - la festa pių favolosa dell'annata č stata quella tenuta all'Ambassador hotel ... )
New York - Globe photos ; Roma - EPS, (1951-1966)
Graphic document

Hollywood - Loretta Young col marito Tom Lewis ad un pranzo al Baltimore Hotel
New York - Globe photos ; Roma - EPS, (1951-1966)
Graphic document

Hollywood - lovely Grace Kelly, winner of the Academy Award for best actress, smiles happily ..
New York - United press associations, 1955
Graphic document

Hollywood - Mar 22 - What will father say - Margaret Truman scornfully turns from what she had written..
New York - Associated press wirephoto, ((1952)
Graphic document

Hollywood - Sofia Loren e Lauren Bacall
New York - Globe photos, (1951-1966)
Graphic document

( Hollywood - una sfilata di propaganda per il candidato alla presidenza, Kennedy)
New York - United international photo, (1951-1960)
Graphic document

( Hollywood premiere of Quo Vadis)
(New York) - Wide world photo, 1951
Graphic document

The Hollywood reporter
Hollywood - Wilkerson Daily Co

Hollywood Yearbook
New York - Dell, 1950-

( Hollywood, sept. 15 - new act)
New York - Associated press wirephoto, 1952
Graphic document

The Holmes reader - the life, writings, speeches, constitutional decisions, etc., of the late Oliver Wendell Holmes / selected and edited by Julius J. Marke
New York - Oceana, 1955
Monographic text

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