Page no. 351 of 1877 |
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St. Meinrad (Indiana) - St. Meinrad Archabbey. Magazine Marriage, divorce, natality, fetal mortality and infant mortality data Washington - Government printing office, 1950 It's a part of > Vital statistics of the United States 1950 / US Department of health, education and welfare, Public health service Monographic text The Marshall reader - The life and contributions of Chief Justice John Marshall / Selected and edited by Erwin C. Surrency New York - Oceana Publications, 1955 Monographic text Marshall succeeds Johnson New York - Acme Telephoto, 1950 Graphic document Marsyas / a publication by the students of the Institute of Fine Arts ; New York University New York, 1941- Magazine Marsyas - studies in the history of art New York - Institute of fine arts, New York university, 1941- Magazine The marxist - introduction and aid to the study of Capital New York - Workers' educational institute Magazine Mary Callery - (March 14-April 2, 1950) / (testo di Christian Zervos) New York - Curt Valentin Gallery, (1950?) Monographic text Mary Callery - March 15-April 9 1955 New York - Curt Valentin Gallery, °1955? Monographic text Mary Callery - October 21-November 15, 1952 / (Henry McBride) New York - Curt Valentin Gallery, (1952?) Monographic text 15- Maryborough to Mushet Steel Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1954 It's a part of > Encyclopaedia Britannica - a new survey of universal knowledge. - Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia Britannica Monographic text Maryland Geological Survey Baltimore - J. Hopkins press, 1901- Magazine Maryland law review Baltimore - Maryland Law Review Magazine 2- Mason, Jefferson, Bentham, Declaration of the rights of man, Paine, Marx and Engels, Thoreau, Mill, Darwin, Tolstoy, Veblen, Universal declaration of human rights Boston - Beacon press, 1952 It's a part of > Beaconlights of Western culture - condensed versions of great books and epoch-making public acts that have shaped our spiritual heritage / edited and with introduction by Erik Achorn Monographic text Mass baptism New York - International news photos, 1952 Graphic document |