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A. 1., n. 1 (1896)- Magazine Motor body paint and trim Philadelphia - Ware Bros. company, 1930- Magazine Motor skills research exchange Louisville - University of Louisville, 1949-1951 Magazine Movie serials rocket into cuter space New York - Wide world photo, 1951 Graphic document Il movimento Chicago - s.n. , 1912- Magazine Il Movimento New York - s.n. Magazine Moving people and goods - a portion of the comprehensive plan for the national capital and its environs Washington D.C. - United States government printing office, 1951 Monographic text The Mr. and Mrs. George Gard de Sylva collection of french impressionist and modern paintings and sculpture - Los Angeles County Museum, 1950 / (the catalogue was prepared dy W. R. Valentiner) Los Angeles - County Museum, 1950 Monographic text Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis Winston collection Museum of Cranbrook Academy of Art, November 8-25, 1951 Bloomfield Hills - Museum of Cranbrook Academy of Art, (1951?) Monographic text Mr. Vyshinsky and the dove of peace (The place of publication is not referred - s. n.), 1951 Graphic document Multiple sclerosis and the demyelinating diseases - proceedings of the association, December 10 and 11, 1948, New York Baltimore - Williams and Wilkins, 1950 Monographic text Mundy's earning power of railroads / compiled and edited by Floyd W. Mundy New York ; Chicago - J. H. Oliphant, 1906- Magazine municipal affairs a quarterly magazine devoted to the consideration of city problems from the standpoint of the taxapayer and citizen n.1(1897)- Magazine Munsell soil color charts Baltimore, Maryland - Munsell Color Co., 1954 Monographic text The muralist and the modern architect New York - Kootz Gallery, °1950? Monographic text |