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N'ju-Iork - Izdanie obšcestva imeni A. S. Puškina v Amerike, 1955 Monographic text ( Panmungiom - si alzano palloni frenati a segnare la zona dove si stanno svolgendo le piů lunghe trattative d'armistizio del secolo) New York - Wide world photo, (1951-1952) Graphic document Papain / by M. L. Tainter ... (and others) ; consulting editor M. L. Tainter New York - The New York Academy of Sciences, 1951 Monographic text Papers and monographs / American Academy in Rome University Park - Pennsylvania state university press Magazine Papers and proceedings / American Economic Association Standford, 1909- Magazine Papers and proceedings of the conference on agricultural taxation and economic development / edited by Haskell P. Wald, Joseph N. Froomkin Cambridge - (s.n.), 1954 Monographic text Papers from Departement of Marine Biology / Carnegie Institution of Washington Washington - s.n. , 1908- Magazine Papers from the Oceanographic institute (... - Tallahassee - The Florida State University, 1952-1956 Monographic text Papers in microbial genetics - bacteria and bacterial viruses / selected by Joshua Lederberg Madison - University of Wisconsin Press, 1951 Monographic text Papers in the natural sciences, and social sciences / ?Scritti di A.W. Ziegler, ... and others? Tallahassee - Florida State University, 1952 Monographic text Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America. American series 1(1883)- Magazine Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters New York-Ann Arbor, 1921- Magazine The Papers of Thomas Jefferson / Julian P. Boyd ed. ; Lyman H. Butterfield and Mina R. Bryan associate ed. Princeton, N. J. - Princeton University Press Monographic text Papers on the physical anthropology of the American Indian - delivered at the 4. Viking Fund summer seminar in physical anthropology, held at the Vikinf Fund, September 1949 / this volume edited by William S. Laughlin ; the s eminar planned by The place of publication is not referred Washburn New York - Viking Fund, 1951 Monographic text 8- Papyri and ostraca from Karanis - second series / edited by Herbert Chayyim Youtie and John Garrett Winter Ann Arbor - University of Michigan Press ; London - Cumberlege ; Oxford University press, 1951 It's a part of > Michigan papyri Monographic text |