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Madison Magazine The process and effects of mass communication / edited by Wilbur Schramm Urbana - University of Illinois press, 1954 Monographic text Il processo italo-americano - primo giornale quotidiano italiano fondato negli Stati Uniti New York - (s.n.) Magazine Procès-verbaux des 15 & 28 septembre 1786, relatifs a la réception du buste de m. le marquis de La Fayette, a l'Hôtel-de-Ville de Paris / reprinted with appendix and notes by Gilbert Chinard Washington - Institut français de Washington, 1955 Monographic text Product cost for purposes New York - National Association of Accountants, 1953 Monographic text Product engineering New York - McGraw Hill, 1930-1979 Magazine Production and separation of U 233 - collected papers / edited by Leonard I. Katzin Tennessee - United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1952 Monographic text Production and separation of U 233 - survey / edited by Glenn T. Seaborg and Leonard I. Katzin Oak Ridge - United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1951 Monographic text Production handbook / edited by L. P. Alford and John R. Bangs ; staff editor, George E. Hagemann New York - Ronald Press, 1953 Monographic text Productivity - gauge of economic performance / prepared by Research Department, National Association of manufactures New York - National Association of manufactures, 1952 Monographic text Products finishing Cincinnati - Gardner Publications Magazine The professional geographer - forum and journal of the Association of American geographers Washington - Association of American geographers, 1949- Magazine Professional group on circuit theory - transactions of the IRE / Institute of radio engineers New York - IRE, 1952-1954 Magazine Vol. 2- Profitable advertising , 1953 It's a part of > Business executive's encyclopedia / prepared by The editorial board of Prentice-Hall business publications Monographic text Program budgeting - theory and practice with particular reference to the US Department of the Army / by Frederick C. Mosher New York - Public administration service, 1954 Monographic text |