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Washington - U.S. Government, 1954 Monographic text Tables of normal probability functions / National bureau of standards Washington - United States government printing office, 1953 Monographic text Tables of sines and cosines for radian arguments / (prepared by the Mathematical Tables Project) Washington D.C. - U.S. Government printing office, 1955 Monographic text Tables of the Bessel functions Y0(X), Y1(x), K0(x), K1(x) ... Washington - United States government printing office, 1952 Monographic text Tables of the binomial probability distribution / United States, Department of commerce, National bureau of standards Wahington (DC) - United States government printing office, 1952 Monographic text Tables of the error function and its derivative Washington - U.S. Government printing office, 1954 Monographic text Tables of the error function and of its first twenty derivatives / by the staff of the Computation laboratory Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University press, 1952 Monographic text Tables of the gamma function for complex argument Washington - U.S. Government printing office, 1954 Monographic text Tables of thermal properties of gases - comprising tables of thermodynamic and transport properties of air, argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and steam / by Joseph Hilsenrath ... (and others) (The place of publication is not referred) - National bureau of standards, (1955?) Monographic text Tables relating to Mathieu functions - characteristic value, coefficients and joining factors / prepared by the Computation Laboratory of the National Applied Mathematics Laboratories National Bureau of Standads New York - Columbia University press, 1951 Monographic text Tables to facilitate sequential t-tests Washington - United States government printing office, 1951 Monographic text Taft and Kefauver meet on TV program .. New York - Associated press wirephoto, 1952 Graphic document ( Taking reel and real life mates) New York - Wide world photo, 1952 Graphic document Tales of the Mississippi / by Ray Samuel, Leonard V. Huber, Warren C. Ogden New York - Hastings House Publishers, 1955 Monographic text Talking of Shakespeare / edited by John Garrett New York - Theatre arts books, 1954 Monographic text |