Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 544 of 1877       

Washington - president watches unveiling of Lincoln manuscript
New York - Associated press wirephoto, 1953
Graphic document

Washington - the U. S. and Germany signed a cultural agreement at the sate dept, here today
New York - Telephoto United press associations, (1951-1953)
Graphic document

Washington - un gruppo di cento operai messicani hanno scioperato occupando un deposito della stazione e rifiutandosi di muovere sin tanto non giunga l'assicurazione ufficiale che saranno rimpatriati
(New York) - Associated press wirephoto, (1951-1955)
Graphic document

Washington - vetrina di negozio di giocattoli nei sobborghi della capitale
(New York) - Wide world photo, (1951-1955)
Graphic document

Washington - waiting for the arrival of british prime minister Clement Attle..
New York - Acme newspictures, 1950
Graphic document

Washington and lee law review
Lexington - Washington and Lee University, School of law

Washington handy guide
New York - Nester, c1950
Monographic text

The Washington Post and Times Herald
Washington - s.n. , 1954-

( Washington, 24 luglio - di ritorno da Ginevra, Eisenhower sbarca all'aeroporto, accolto dagli amici)
New York - International news photos, (1951-1955)
Graphic document

Washington, D.C. - archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle, of Washington, receives the order of the star of Italian solidarity from Italy's ambassador to the U.S., Alberto Tarchiani
New York - Acme newspictures, 1950
Graphic document

Washington, D.C. - under a huge portrait of Josef Stalin, Washington party-goers gather at a Russian embassy ..
New York city - Acme newspictures, 1950
Graphic document

Washington, D.C., Aug. 29 - it looks good to the marines - beautiful sgt. Margaret Dill of the Marines passes that final test ..
New York - Associated press wirephoto, 1952
Graphic document

Washington, D.C.... - here's a general view of some 3,800 cheering, sign-carrying supporters of sen. Joseph Maccarthy at Constitutional Hall tonight ..
New York - International news photos, 1954
Graphic document

Washington, Dec. 13 - U.S. constitution moved to national archives
(New York) - Associated press wirephoto, 1952
Graphic document

Washington, Dec. 3 - hits at girlie magazines - novelist Margaret Culkin Banning today during testimony before a special house committee displays a magazine ..
(New York) - AP Wirephoto, 1952
Graphic document

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