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Haverford - The corporation of Haverford college, 1952 Monographic text ( Williamstown, Mass., oct. 10 - Democrats win first round of poster battle) New York - Associated press wirephoto, 1952 Graphic document ( Wilson at news conference) New York - Associated press photo, 1954 Graphic document The Wilson bulletin - a quarterly journal of ornithology / published by the Wilson ornithological society Lawrence (Kansas) - Allen press, -2005 Magazine Wins history award - Bruce Catton, May 3, was awarded the Pulitzer prize in history for his work, A stillness at appomattox New York - Associated press, (1954) Graphic document (The winter's labor blooms again) New York - United press photo, 1952 Graphic document Wisconsin - a guide to the badger state / compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the state of Wisconsin New York - Hastings House, 1954 Monographic text Wise County, Virginia / by H. H. Perry (The place of publication is not referred - s.n.), stampa 1954 (Washington - U.S. Govern. printing Office) Monographic text Woman country doctor - on her round in the country district in Maryland where she pioneered as a woman doctor, dr. Emily Hammond Wilson examines a small patient (New York) - Wide world photo, 1952 Graphic document The woman question - selections from the writings of Karl Marx ; Frederick Engels ; V. I. Lenin ; Joseph Stalin New York - International Publishers, c 1951 Monographic text Womanpower Committees during world war 2. - United States and British Experience Washington - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953 Monographic text Womans home companion cook book / edited by Dorothy Kirk New York - P.F. Collier & son corporation, c1955 Monographic text Women as workers - a statistic guide / Martin P. Durkin, Frieda S. Miller Washington D.C. - Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office, (1950 Monographic text ( Women demonstrate in Teheran) New York - Acme photo, 1951 Graphic document Women in higher-level position - a survey of women in position ef responsability in selected fields of business and industry and in specified areas Washington - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950 Monographic text |