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Corrosion on materials at elevated temperatures - Symposium, Atlantic City, 1950 / ASTM 121 p.; 24 cm Monographic text American society for testing materials 1- Ferrous Metals / published by the American Society for Testing Materials Philadelphia - American Society for Testing Materials, 1955 It's a part of > Book of ASTM Standards including tenta tives 1955 - (a triennal publication) / published by the American Society for T esting Materials Monographic text American society for testing materials 5- Fuels, Petroleum, Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Engine Antifreezes / published by the American Society for Testing Materials Philadelphia - American Society for Testing Materials, 1955 It's a part of > Book of ASTM Standards including tenta tives 1955 - (a triennal publication) / published by the American Society for T esting Materials Monographic text American society for testing materials Index to ASTM standards as of December 1952 .. Philadelphia - American society for testing materials, 1953 Monographic text American society for testing materials 2- Non-ferrous metals / published by the American Society for Testing Material s Philadelphia - American Society for Testing Materials, 1955 It's a part of > Book of ASTM Standards including tenta tives 1955 - (a triennal publication) / published by the American Society for T esting Materials Monographic text American Society for testing materials - Committee B-4 on electrical heating, resistance, and related alloys 1952 and 1953 supplements to the bibliography and abstracts on electrical contacts / prepared by Committee B-4 on electrical heating, resistance, and related alloys of the American Society for Testing Materials Philadelphia - ASTM, 1954 Monographic text American Society for testing materials - Committee B-4 on electrical heating, resistance, and related alloys Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contacts 1835-1951 / prepared by ASTM Committee B-4 on Electrical heating, resistance, and related alloys Philadelphia - American society for testing materials, 1952 Monographic text American society for testing materials - Committee D-2 on petroleum products and lubricants ASTM standards on petroleum products and lubricants - with related information - methods of testing - specifications - definitions - charts and tables / prepared by ASTM Committee D-2 on petroleum products and lubricants Philadelphia - American society for testing materials, 1955 Monographic text American society for testing materials - Committee D-9 on electrical insulating materials A.S.T.M. standards on electrical insulating materials - with relatedinformation - specifications - methods of testing / prepared by A.S.T.M.committee D-9 on electrical insulating materials Philadelphia - Americansociety for testing materials, 1955 Monographic text American Society of Bakery Engineers Index to publications - 1924-1954 / American Society of Bakery Engineers Chicago (Ill.) - American Society of Bakery Engineers, 1954 Monographic text American society of civil engineers Cumulative index to ASCE publications / American Society of Civil Engineers New York - ASCE Magazine American society of enologists Proceedings ... annual open meeting / American Society of Enologists (Davis, California - American Society of Enologists) Magazine American society of heating and ventilating engineers Heating ventilating ventilating air conditioning - guide 1953 / ASHVE New York - American society of heating and ventilating engineers, 1953 Monographic text American society of heating and ventilating engineers Heating, ventilating, air conditioning guide - 1950 / American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers New York - American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 1950 Monographic text American society of international law A single standard of morality for the individual and the state - presidential address delivered at the 26. Annual Meeting of the American society of international law - The Willard Hotel, Washington, April 28, 1932 / by James Brown Scott Washington - s.n., 1932? Monographic text |