Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 689 of 1877       

Blanksten, George I.
Ecuador - constitutions and caudillos / George I. Blanksten
Berkley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1951
Monographic text

Blanksten, George I.
Perón's Argentina / by George I. Blanksten
Chicago - University of Chigago press, c1953
Monographic text

Blanshard, Brand
The impasse in ethics and a way out - Howison lecture, 1954 / by Brand Blanshard
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1955
Monographic text

Blanshard, Paul
American freedom and catholic power / Paul Blanshard
Boston - The Beacon Press, 1950
Monographic text

Blanshard, Paul
Communism, democracy, and catholic power / Paul Blanshard
Boston - Beacon press, 1951
Monographic text

Blanshard, Paul
The irish and catholic power - an american interpretation / by Paul Blanshard
Boston - The Bacon Press, c1953
Monographic text

Blanton, Catherine
Trouble on old smoky / Catherine Blanton
New York ; London - Whittlesey, 1951
Monographic text

Blatt, John M.
Theoretical nuclear physics / John M. Blatt, Victor F. Weisskopf
New York ; London - J. Wiley, ©1952
Monographic text

Blatt, John M.
Theoretical nuclear physics / John M. Blatt, Victor F. Weisskopf
New York - John Wiley & Sons ; London - Chapman & Hall, ©1952
Monographic text

Blau, Joseph L.
Cornerstones of religious Freedom in America / edited with an introduction and interpretations by Joseph L.Blau
Boston - The Beacon press, 1950
Monographic text

Blau, Joseph L.
Men and movements in American philosophy
New York - Prentice-Hall, 1953
Monographic text

Blau, Joseph L.
Men and movements in American philosophy / by Joseph Leon Blau
New York - Prentice-Hall, 1952
Monographic text

Blau, Peter M.
The dynamics of bureaucracy - a study of interpersonal relations in two government agencies / Peter M. Blau
Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago press, 1955
Monographic text

Blau, Édouard
Werther - Lyric Drama in 4 Acts / by Jules Massenet ; Text by Edouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann, after the novel by Wolfgang Goethe ; English Translation by Walter Stegman
U.S.A. - Urania Records, c1953
Monographic text

Blaustein, Albert P.
The American lawyer - a summary of the survey of the legal profession / by Albert P. Blaustein and Charles O. Porter ; foreword by Reginald Heber Smith
Chicago - University of Chicago press, c1954
Monographic text

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