Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 692 of 1877       

Block, Richard Joseph
The amino acid composition of proteins and foods - analytical methods and results / by Richard J. Bloch and Diana Bollings
Springfield - Charles C Thomas publisher, ©1951
Monographic text

Block, Richard Joseph
A manual of paper chromatography and paper electrophoresis / Richard J. Block, Emmett L. Durrum, Gunter Zweig ; with the cooperation of Raymond LeStrange, Winston H. Wingerd, Kathryn W. Weiss
New York - Academic press, 1955
Monographic text

Block, Richard Joseph
Paper chromatography - a laboratory manual / by Richard J. Block, Raymond LeStrange and Gunter Zweig
New York - Academic Press, c1952
Monographic text

Blocker, Hyacinth
The great mother of God Mary most holy - a novena of sermons for the marian year ... / by Hyacinth Blocker
Paterson (New Jersey - A. Guild, 1954
Monographic text

Blocker, John G.
Cost accounting / John G. Blocker, W. Keith Weltmer
New York (etc.) - McGrow-Hill Book Co., 1954
Monographic text

Blocker, John G.
Cost accounting / John G. Blocker, W. Keith Weltmer
New York - McGrow-Hill Book Co., 1955
Monographic text

Blodgett, Ralph Hamilton
Our expanding economy - an introduction / Ralph Hamilton Blodgett
New York - Rinehart, (1955). -XV ; 24 cm., (1955). -XV
Monographic text

Blok, Richard J.
Paper chromatography a laboratory manual / by Richard J. Blok, Raimond Lestrange and Gunter Zweig
New York - Academic press, 1952
Monographic text

Bloom, Frank
Pathology of the dog and cat - the genitourinary system, with clinical considerations / by Frank Bloom
Evanston, Illinois - American veterinary publications, 1954
Monographic text

Bloom, Gordon F.
Economics of labor and industrial relations / Gordon F. Bloom and Herbert R. Northrup
Philadelphia ; Toronto - Blakiston company, 1950
Monographic text

Bloom, Gordon F.
Economics of labor relations / Gordon F. Bloom and Herbert R. Northrup
Homewood - Richard D. Irwin, 1955
Monographic text

Bloom, Solomon Frank
Twelve angry men / by Reginald Rose ; stage version by Sherman L. Sergel - adapted from the television show of the same name initially presented on Studio One, CBS-TV
Chicago - Dramatic Publishing company, 1955
Monographic text

Bloomfield, Arthur Irving
Banking reform in South Korea / by Arthur I. Bloomfield and John P. Jensen
New York - Federal Reserve Bank, 1951
Monographic text

Bloomfield, Arthur Irving
Capital imports and the american balance of payments - 1934-39 - a study in abnormal international capital transfers / by Arthur I. Bloomfield
Chicago - University of chicago press, 1950
Monographic text

Bloomfield, Arthur Irving
Capital imports and the American balance of payments, 1934-39 - a study in abnormal international capital transfers / by Arthur I. Bloomfield
New York - A. M. Kelley, 1966
Monographic text

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