Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 737 of 1877       

Bryan, E. H.
The Hawaiian chain / by E. H. Bryan Jr
Honolulu - Bishop Museum, 1954
Monographic text

Bryan, Kirk
Flint quarries-the sources of tools and, at the same time, the factories of the American Indian ; with a consideration of the theory of the "blank" and some of the technique of flint utilization / by Kirk Bryan
Cambridge, Mass. - Peabody museum, 1950
Monographic text

Bryan, Kirk
The Geology of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico in relation to the life and remains of the prehistoric peoples of Pueblo Bonito / by Kirk Bryan
Washington - Smithsonian Inst., 1954
It's a part of > Smithsonian miscellaneous collections
Monographic text

Bryan, Leslie A.
Traffic management in industry / Leslie A. Bryan
New York - Dryden press, 1953
Monographic text

Bryan, William Alfred
George Washington in American literature - 1775-1865 / by William Alfred Bryan
New York - Columbia University Press, 1952
Monographic text

Bryant, Margaret M.
Modern English and its heritage / Margaret M. Bryant
New York - The MacMillan Co., 1951
Monographic text

Bryce, James
The American Commonwealth ; being an introduction to the study of the government and institutions of the United States for the use of colleges and high schools / by James Bryce
New York - Macmillan ; London - Macmillan & co., 1952
Monographic text

Bryson, Lyman
The Next America - Prophecy and Faith / by Lyman Bryson
New York - Harper & Brothers, c1952
Monographic text

Bržozovskij, Anton Grigor'evic
Castnaja hirurgija - ucebnik / A. G. Bržozovskij
Moskva - Medgiz, 1950
Monographic text

Buber, Martin
Between man and man / Martin Buber ; translated by Ronald Gregor Smith
Boston - Beacon Press, 1955
Monographic text

Buber, Martin
Good and evil - two interpretations / by Martin Buber
New York - Scribner's Sons, 1953
Monographic text

Buchanan, John P.
Handbook of piezoelectric crystals for radio equipment designers / John P. Buchanan
Ohio - Wright Patterson Air Force Base, 1955
Monographic text

Buchanan, Lamont
The flying years / Lamont Buchanan
New York - Putnam's sons, ©1953
Monographic text

Buchanan, Louise
Legal status of women in the United States of America - as of january 1, 1948 - Summary for All States Combined / by Sara Louise Buchanan
Washington - Government Printing Office, 1951
Monographic text

Buchanan, Norman Sharpe
Approaches to economic development / Norman S. Buchanan and Howard S. Ellis
New York - Twentieth Century Fund, 1955
Monographic text

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