Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 950 of 1877       

Feis, Herbert
The road to Pearl Harbor - the coming of the war between the United States and Japan / by Herbert Feis
Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1950
Monographic text

Feld, Benjamin
A pratical guide to legal research / Benjamin Feld, Joseph Crea
New York - Marshall Law book, 1950
Monographic text

Feldman, Joseph
Dynamics of the film / Joseph and Harry Feldman
New York - Hermitage house, ©1952
Monographic text

Fell, Frederick Victor
Crackers in bed - the book of jokes, gags and funny stories that will bring sunshine into your nights / by Vic Fredericks ; illustrated by Arthur Collins
New York - Pocket books, stampa 1955
Monographic text

Feller, Abraham Howard
United Nations and world community / by A. H. Feller
Boston - Little Brown and Copmpany, 1952
Monographic text

Feller, William
1 / William Feller
ed - New York (etc.) - J. Wiley, c1950
It's a part of > An introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller
Monographic text

Feller, William
1 / William Feller
New York - J. Wiley ; London - Chapman & Hall, c1950
It's a part of > An introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller
Monographic text

Fellner, William
Long-term tendencies in private capital formation - the rate of growth and capital coefficients / William Fellner
(The place of publication is not referred- s.n., 1954?)
Monographic text

Felten, Charles J.
Layout - the practical application of the principles of design to advertising and printing
New York - Appleton-Century-Crofts, ©1954
Monographic text

Felton, Harold W.
John Henry and his hammer / Harold W. Felton
New York - Knopf, 1950
Monographic text

Fenby, Thomas
Handy dictionary of English synonyms - (Alphabetically classified) - A selection of LLatin and French quotations and corresponding English translations; a list of French and English abbreviations; a brief outline of English grammar / Thomas Fenby
Philadelphia - McKay, 1952
Monographic text

Fenchel, Werner
Convex cones, sets, and functions / by W. Fenchel ; from notes by D. W. Blackett of lectures at Princeton University 1953
Monographic text

Feng, Youlan
2- The period of classical learning - from the second century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D. / by Fung Yu-lan
Princeton - Princeton university press, 1953
It's a part of > A history of Chinese philosophy / by Fung Yu-lan ; translated by Derk Bodde, with introduction, notes, bibliography and index
Monographic text

Feng, Youlan
1- The period of the philosophers - from the beginnings to circa 100 B.C. / by Fung Yu-lan
Princeton - Princeton university press, 1952
It's a part of > A history of Chinese philosophy / by Fung Yu-lan ; translated by Derk Bodde, with introduction, notes, bibliography and index
Monographic text

Feng, Youlan
A short history of chinese philosophy / by Fung Yu-Lan ; edited by Derk Bodde
New York - Macmillan, 1953
Monographic text

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