Page no. 1054 of 1877 |
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Summa logicae / William Ockham ; edited by Philotheus Boehner New York - The franciscan Institute St. Bonaventure ; Louvain - E. Nauwelaerts Monographic text Guillemin, Ernst A. Introductory circuit theory / Ernst A. Guillemin New York ; London - J. Wiley & sons, c1953 Monographic text Guillemin, Ernst Adolph Communicatio networks / Erns A. Guillemin New York - Wiley, 1955 Monographic text Guinier, André Small-angle scattering of X-rays / Andre Guinier, Gerard Fournet ; translation by Christopher B. Walker, followed by a bibliography by Kenneth L. Yudowitch New York - Wiley & sons ; London - Chapman & Hall, ©1955 Monographic text Gulick, Edward Vose Europes classical balance of power - a case history of the theory and practice of one of the great concepts of European statecraft / by Edward Vose Gulick Ithaca, N.Y. ; Cornell University Press, 1955 Monographic text Gulick, John Social structure and culture change in a Lebanese village / John Gulick New York - Wenner-Gren Foundation for anthropological research, 1955 Monographic text Gullander, Ake Farmers co-operation in Sweden / by Ake Gullander Ames - Iowa state college press, c1951 Monographic text Gulliksen, Harold Theory of mental tests / Harold Gulliksen New York - John Wiley & Sons, 1950 Monographic text Gulvin, Harold E Farm engines and tractors / Harold E. Gulvin New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1953 Monographic text Gul', Roman Borisovic Kon' rizij - avtobiografija / Roman Gul N'ju Jork - Izd. imeni Cechova, 1952 Monographic text Gul', Roman Borisovic Kon' ryžij / Roman Gul' N'ju-Jork - Izdatel'stvo imeni Cehov, 1952 Monographic text Gumbel, Emil Julius Statistical theory of extreme values and some practical applications - a series of lectures / by Emil J. Gumbel ; prepared for publication with the assistance of Julius Lieblein Washington - U.S. Government, 1954 Monographic text Gumilev, Nikolaj Stepanovic (1886-1921) Otravlennaja tunika i drugie neizdannye proizvedenija / N. Gumilev ; pod redakciej i vstupitel'noj stat'ej, biograficeskim ocerkom i primecanijami G. P. Struve N'Ju- Jork - Izdatel'stvo imeni Cehova, 1952 Monographic text Gumprecht, R. O. Tables of Riccati Bessel functions for large arguments and orders / prepared by R. O. Gumprecht, C. M. Sliepcevich Ann Arbor - Engineering research instiitute university of Michigan, 1951 Monographic text Gumz, Wilhelm Gas producers and blast furnaces - theory and methods of calculation / Wilhelm Gumz New York - John Wiley and sons ; London - chapman and Hall, c1950 Monographic text |