Page no. 1426 of 1877 |
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Recherches internationales sur les migrations / Nations Unies - Departement des questions sociales - Division de la population New York - Nations Unies, 1953 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Domestic financing of economic development - methods of increasing domestic savings and of ensuring their most advantageous use for the purpose of economic development New York - United Nations, Department of economic affairs, 1950 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Enlargement of the exchange economy in Tropical Africa New York - United Nations, 1954 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Etude economique sur l'Asie et l'Extreme Orient - 1949 / preparee par le Secretariat de la Commission economique pour l'Asie et l'Extreme Orient New York - Departement des questions economiques, 1950 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Governmental policies concerning unemployment inflation and balance of payments - 1951-1952. Analysis of replies by Governments to a United Nations qu estionnaire New York - United Nations, Department of Economic Affairs, 1952 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Instability in export markets of under-developed countries - in relation to their ability to obtain foreign exchange from exports of primary commodities, 1901 to 1950 New York - United Nations, department of economic affairs, 1952 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Mesures a prendre pour le developpement economique des pays insuffisamment developpes - rapport d'un groupe d'experts nomme par le secretaire general de l'Organisation des Nations Unies New York - Nations Unies, Departement des questions economiques, 1951 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Les problemes du chomage et de l'inflation 1950 et 1951 - analyse des reponses faites par le gouvernements au questionnaire de l'Organisation des Nations Unies New York - Nations Unies, Departement des questions economiques, 1951 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Public finance information papers - Italy Lake Success ; New York - United Nations, Department of Economic Affairs, 1950 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs La réforme agraire - les défauts de la structure agraire qui entravent le développement économique New York - Nations Unies, Departement des questions économiques, 1951 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs Tendances et politiques des balances des paiements 1950-1951 - analyse des reponses des gouvernements a un questionnaire des Nations Unies New York - Nations Unies, Departement des questions economiques, 1951 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs - fiscal division Conventions fiscales internationales New York - Nations unies, 1955 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic affairs - fiscal division International tax agreements ... - world guide to international tax agreement New York - United nations publ., 1954 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs Aperçu de l'evolution des conditions economiques au Moyen Orient - 1952-1953 New York - United Nations, 1954 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and social affairs L' evolution economique au Moyen Orient - 1945 à 1954 New York - Nations Unies, Département des affaires économiques et sociales, 1955 Monographic text |