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3- America Latina / Naciones Unidas, Departamento de Asuntos sociales, Division de bienestar social Nueva York - Naciones Unidas, 1952 It's a part of > Etude comparee sur la delinquance juvenile / Nations Unies, Departement des questions sociales, Division des activites sociales Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Dipartimento degli affari economici e sociali - Direzione degli affari sociali 1- Amerique du Nord / Nations Unies, Departement des questions sociales, Division des activites sociales New York - Nations Unies, 1952 It's a part of > Etude comparee sur la delinquance juvenile / Nations Unies, Departement des questions sociales, Division des activites sociales Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Dipartimento degli affari economici e sociali - Direzione degli affari sociali 4- Asia and the Far East / United Nations, Department of social affairs, division of social welfare New York - United Nations, 1953 It's a part of > Etude comparee sur la delinquance juvenile / Nations Unies, Departement des questions sociales, Division des activites sociales Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Dipartimento degli affari economici e sociali - Direzione degli affari sociali 2- Europe / Nation Unies, Department des questions sociales, Division des activites sociales New York - Nations Unies, 1952 It's a part of > Etude comparee sur la delinquance juvenile / Nations Unies, Departement des questions sociales, Division des activites sociales Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Dipartimento degli affari economici e sociali - Direzione degli affari sociali Study on adoption of children - a study on the practice and procedures related to the adoption of children / United Nations, Department of social affairs New York - United Nations, 1953 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Département de l'information Publications des Nations Unies - premier catalogue décennal, 1945-1955 / Nations Unies, départ. de l'information New York - Nations Unies, 1955 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific ... / United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific New York - United Nations Publications, 1948- Magazine Nazioni Unite - economic and social council Treizieme session - point 35. - financement international de l'emigration europeenne - rapport du Secreteire general ( New York - s.n., 1951) Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Asia and the Far East Economic survey of Asia and the Far East 1950 / prepared by the secretariat of the Economic commission for Asia and the Far East, Department of Economic affairs New York - U. N. Department of economic affairs, 1951 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Latin America Economic survey of Latin America / prepared by the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Latin America New York - United Nation, 1950-1983 Magazine Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Latin America Possibilities for the development of the pulp and the paper industry in Latin America / a joint study by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations New York - Department of Economic affairs, 1954 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Educational Scientific and cultural organization Australia - aboriginal paintings, Arnhem Land New York - Graphic society by arrangement with Unesco, c1954 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - General assembly Point 21 de l'ordre du jour - anciennes colonies italiennes / Nations Unies, Assemblée générale New York - (s.n.), stampa 1951 It's a part of > Official records / United Nations, General Assembly. Annexes Monographic text Nazioni Unite - General assembly Projet d'accord de tutelle pour le territoire de la Somalie sous administration italienne - rapport spécial du Conseil de tutelle Lake Success, N.Y. - Nations Unies, 1950 It's a part of > Official records / United Nations, General Assembly. Supplement Monographic text Nazioni Unite - General assembly Rapport annuel du commissaire des Nations Unies en Libye / prepare en consultation avec le conseil pour la Libye New York - United Nations, 1950 Monographic text |