Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 1664 of 1877       

Snell, Foster Dee
3- Organic 1 / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
Toronto (etc.) - D. van Nostrand company inc., c1953
It's a part of > Colorimetric methods of analysis - including some turbidimetric and nephelometric methods / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
Monographic text

Snell, Foster Dee
3- Organic 1 / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
New York (etc.) - Van Nostrand company, 1955
It's a part of > Colorimetric methods of analysis - including some turbidimetric andnephelometric methods / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
Monographic text

Snell, Foster Dee
4- Organic 2 / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
Princeton (New Jersey) - D. van Nostrand, c1954
It's a part of > Colorimetric methods of analysis - including some turbidimetric and nephelometric methods / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
Monographic text

Snell, Foster Dee
4- Organic 2. / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
New York (tec.) Van Nostrand company, 1954
It's a part of > Colorimetric methods of analysis - including some turbidimetric andnephelometric methods / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
Monographic text

Snell, Foster Dee
1- Theory instruments pH / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
New York (etc.) - Van Nostrand company, 1954
It's a part of > Colorimetric methods of analysis - including some turbidimetric andnephelometric methods / by Foster Dee Snell and Cornelia T. Snell
Monographic text

Snelling, Robert
Notes on nesting and hibernation of Polistes (Hymenoptera- Vespidae) / Robert Snelling
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n. , 1952
Monographic text

Snider, Clyde F.
American state and local government / Clyde F. Snider
New York - Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1950
Monographic text

Snider, Delbert A.
Introduction to international economics / by Delbert A. Snider
Homewood (Ill.) - R. D. Irwin, 1954
Monographic text

Sniegocki, R. T.
Ground-water resources of the Preirie Creek Unit of the Lower Platte river basin, Nebraska / R. T. Sniegocki
Washington - U. S. Department of the Interior , 1955
Monographic text

Snodgrass, Robert Evans
Comparative studies on the head of mandibulate arthropods / R. E. Snodgrass
Ithaca, New York- Comstock Publishing Company, 1951
Monographic text

Snodgrass, Robert Evans
A textbook of arthropod anatomy / by R. E. Snodgrass
Ithaca (New York) - Comstock, 1952
Monographic text

Snodgrass, Robert Evans (1875-1962)
Insect metamorphosis / by R. E. Snodgrass
Washington - Smithsonian institution, 1954
Monographic text

Snow, Chester
Hypergeometric and Legendre functions with applications to integral equations of potential theory / Chester Snow
Washington - U.S. Government printing, 1952
Monographic text

Snow, Chester
Magnetic fields of cylindrical coils and annular coils / Chester Snow
Washington - U.S. Government printing office, 1953
Monographic text

Snow, William
Roentgenology in obstetirc and gynecology / William Snow
Springfield - C.C. Thomas, 1952
Monographic text

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