Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1950-1955

Page no. 1669 of 1877       

Sonne, Isaiah
Book list through three centuries / Isaiah Sonne
Cincinnati - Library of Hebrew Union College, 1955
Monographic text

Sonne, Isaiah
Book Lists through three centuries - First half of the fifteenth century Germany / Isaiah Sonne
Cincinnati - Library of the Hebrew Union College, 1953
Monographic text

Sonneborn, Ralph H.
Fiberglas reinforced plastics... / Contributing authors Albert G. H. Dietz, Alton S. Heyser
New York - Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1954
Monographic text

Existence and therapy - an introduction to phenomenological psychology and existential analysis / Ulrich Sonnemann
New York, - Grune & Stratton, 1954
Monographic text

Handwriting analysis - as a psychodiagnostic tool - a study in general and clinical graphology / bu Ulrich Sonnemann ; with a foreword by Bela Mittelmann
new York - Grune and Stratton, 1950
Monographic text

Sonnichsen, C. L.
Cowboys and cattle kings - life on the range today / by C.L. Sonnichsen
Norman - University of Oklahoma press, 1950
Monographic text

Soodak, Harry
Elementary pile theory / by Harry Soodak, Edward C. Campbell
New York - Wiley ; London - Chapman & Hall, 1950
Monographic text

Soothill, William Edward
The three religions of China - lectures delivered at Oxford / by W.E. Soothill
3d ed
Monographic text

Sophian, Lawrence H.
The sulfapyrimidines - sulfadiazine - sulfamerazine - sulfamethazine / Lawrence H. Sophian ; David L. Piper ; George H. Schneller
New York - Published by the Press of a Colosh, c1952
Monographic text

Oedipus the king ; Oedipus at Colonus ; Antigone / Sophocles ; with an introduction by D.Grene
Chicago - Univ. of Chicago press, 1954
Monographic text

Sorel, Georges
Reflections on Violence / by Georges Sorel ; translated by T.E. Hulme and J. Roth ; with an introduction by Edward A. Shils
Glencoe - The Free Press, c1950
Monographic text

Sorenson, Herbert
Psychology in education / Herbert Sorenson
New York (etc.) - Mcgraw-Hill book company, 1954
Monographic text

Sorg, Rembert
Holy work - towards a benedectine theology of manual labor / by Rembert Sorg
Saint Louis (Missouri) - Pio decimo press, c1953
Monographic text

Sorger Domenigg, Heinz
Grain storage studies, 20 - Relation between viability, fat acidity, germ damage, fluorescence value and formazan value of commercial wheat samples / Heinz Sorger-Domenigg, L. S. Cuendet, W. F. Geddes
St. Paul - American association of cereal chemists, 1955
Monographic text

Soroka, Walter W.
Analog methods in computation and simulation / Walter W. Soroka
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1954
Monographic text

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