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Columbus, finder of the new world / Ronald Syme New York - W. Morrow, 1952 Monographic text Symon, Keith R. Mechanics / by Keith R. Symon Reading (etc.) - Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., c1953 Monographic text Symonds, Percival M. The ego and the self / Percival M. Symonds New York - Appleton-century-crofts, c1951 Monographic text Symposium (International) on Combustion (4. ; 1952 ; Cambridge, Mass.) Fourth symposium (international) on combustion - combustion and detonation waves - at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachussetts, September 1-5, 1952 / published by the Standing Committee on Combustion Symposia, chairman Bernard Lewis Baltimore - The Williams & Wilkins Co., 1953 Monographic text Symposium (International) on Combustion (5. ; 1954 - Pittsburgh) Fifth Symposium (International) on Combustion - combustion in engines and combustion kinetics - at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 30-September 3, 1954 / published for the Combustion Institute, under the auspices of the Standing Committee on Combustion Symposia New York - Reinhold publishing corp., ©1955 Monographic text Symposium on American Indian linguistics (1951 ; Berkeley) Papers from the Symposium on American Indian linguistics - held at Berkeley July 7, 1951 Berkeley - University of California Press, 1954 Monographic text Symposium on applied mathematics (2 ; 1954) Transactions of the symposium on computing, mechanics, statistics and partial differential equations, held at the University of Chicago, April 29-30, 1954 - the second symposium on applied mathematics / sponsored by The Americam Mathematical Society, Office of Ordnance Research New York - Interscience Publishers, c1955 Monographic text Symposium on automatic programming for digital computers (1954 ; Washington) Symposium on automatic programming for digital computers - Navy mathematical computing advisory panel, 13-14 May 1954 Washington (D.C.) - Office of naval research, Department of the navy, 1954 Monographic text Symposium on botanical nomenclature and taxonomy (1948 ; Utrecht) Botanical nomenclature and taxonomy - a Sumposium organized by the International Union of biological sciences with support of Unesco at Utrecht, the Nederlands, June 14-19, 1948 / edited by J. Lanjouw ; with a supplement to the International rules of botanical nomenclature, embodying the alterations made at the Sixth International Botanical Congress, Amsterdam, 1935, compiled by T. A. Sprague (Waltham - Chronica Botanica, 1950) It's a part of > Chronica botanica - international plant science newsmagazine Monographic text Symposium on chemical nomenclature (New York, N.Y. ; September 1951) Chemical nomenclature - a collection of papers comprising the Symposium on Chemical Nomenclature, presented before the Division of Chemical Literature at the 120. meeting - Diamond Jubilee - of the American Chemical Society, New York, N. Y., September 1951 Washington - American Chemical Society, ©1953 Monographic text Symposium on consolidation testing of soils (1951 ; Atlantic City) Symposium on consolidation testing of soils - presented at the fifty-fourth Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials - Atlantic City, N.J., June 18, 1951 Philadelphia - American Society for Testing materials, c1952 Monographic text Symposium on cytology (1950 ; East Lansing, Michigan) Symposium on cytology / by William L. Doyle... (and others) (East Lasing) - Michigan State College Press, 1951 Monographic text Symposium on direct shear testing soils (1952 ; New York) Symposium on direct shear testing of soils - presented at the fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (fiftieth anniversary meeting) American Society for Testing Materials - New York City, N.Y., June 26, 1952 Philadelphia - American Society for Testing Materials, c1953 Monographic text Symposium on dynamic testing of soils (1953 ; Atlantic City) Symposium on dynamic testing of soils - presented at the fifty-sixth Annual MeetingmAmerican Society for Testing Materials - Atlantic City, N.J., July 2, 1953 Philadelphia - American Society for Testing Materials, c1954 Monographic text Symposium on Earthquake and blast effects on structures (1952 ; Los Angeles) Proceedings of the symposium on Earthquake and blast effects on structures, Los Angeles, California, june 1952 / edited by C. Martin Duke and Morris Feigen (The place of publication is not referred) - Earthquake engineering research institute and Univerity of California, (1952) Monographic text |