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Tragic sense of life / Miguel de Unamuno ; translator J. E. Crawford Flitch New York - Dover Pubications, 1954 Monographic text Underkofler, Leland A. A brief introduction to organic chemistry / Leland A. Underkofler Toronto (etc.) - D. Van Nostrand Company, c1953 Monographic text Underwood, Benton J. Elementary statistics / Benton J. Underwood ... (and others) New York - Appleton Century Crofts, (1954) Monographic text Underwood, Margaret Hanselman Bibliography of North American minor natural history serials in the University of Michigan libraries / by Margaret Hanselman Underwood Ann Arbor - University of Michigan Press, 1954 Monographic text Underwood, Raye Miller The complete book of dried arrangements / by Raye Miller Underwood New York - M. Barrows and Co., 1952 Monographic text UNESCO Bibliographical services - their present state and possibilities of improvement Washington - (s.n. , 1950 Monographic text UNESCO UNESCO- five years of work / prepared by the Mass communication Department of UNESCO Washington - U.S. national commission for UNESCO, 1951 Monographic text Unger, Dominic J. The First-Gospel - Genesis 3- 15 / by Dominic J. Unger St. Bonaventure - Franciscan institute, 1954 Monographic text Unger, Merrill Frederick Biblical demonology - a study of the spiritual forces behind the present world unrest / Merrill Frederick Unger Chicago - Scripture Press, 1955 Monographic text Union panamericana Anales de la Organizacion de los Estados Americanos / Union Panamericana Washington - Publicados por el Departamento de informacion publica, Union Panamericana Magazine Unione geografica internazionale Eighth general assembly and seventeenth International Congress - Washington, August 8-15, 1952 / by International Geographical Union Washington - (s.n.), 1952 Monographic text Unione geografica internazionale Preliminary report of the Commission on industrial ports / International Geographical Union ; introduction by G. H. J. Daysh New York - Bureau of the Secretary-Treasurer of the International Geographical Union, (1952?) Monographic text Unione geografica internazionale Publications of the 17. international geographical congress, United States, 1952 Washington D.C. - (s.n.), 1952 Monographic text United Nations - Department of economic affairs Etude sur les donnees relatives a la population urbaine et a la population rurale dans les recensements recents New York - United Nations, 1950 Monographic text United Nations - Department of economic affairs Labour productivity of the cotton textile industry in five latin-american countries / United nations, Department of economic affairs New York - United nations publications, 1951 Monographic text |