Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1956-1959

Page no. 89 of 1616       

Alexander Archipenko- bronzes - Sept. 29 - Oct. 24 1959
New York - Perles Galleries, ae1959?A
Monographic text

Alexander's federal tax handbook 1959
Charlottesville, Virginia - The Michie Company, 1959
Monographic text

Alfred Hitchcock presents- 13 more stories they wouldn't let me do on TV / edited by Alfred Hitchcock
New York - Dell, 1959
Monographic text

Alfred Kubin- oils, watercolors, drawings - April 1957
New York - Galerie St. Etienne, c1957
Monographic text

Algebraic geometry and topology - a symposium in honor of S. Lefschetz / edited by R. H. Fox ... and others
Princeton - Princeton university press, 1957
Monographic text

Alice Pike Barney - portraits in oil and pastel
Washington - (S.n.), 1957
Monographic text

El aliso - journal of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
Claremont, Ca. - Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden

The alkaloids - chemistry and physiology
New York - Academic press, 1950-

The Alkaloids chemistry and physiology / ed. by R. H. F. Manske, H. L. Holmes
New York - Academic Press, 1952-1970
Monographic text

6- Alkylation, isomerization, polymerization, cracking and hydroreforming / contributing authors R. W. Baker ... and others
New York - Reinhold ; London - Chapman & Hall, c1958
It's a part of > Catalysis / edited by Paul H. Emmett
Monographic text

All about aquariums - a practical science book / by Earl Schneider
Orange - Practical science publishing, c1956
Monographic text

( All tangled up)
New York - United press photo, 1958
Graphic document

The All-Knowing God, by Raffaele Pettazzoni ... / (recensione di F. H. R.)
(Los Angeles - University of Southern California, School of Philosophy, 1957)
Monographic text

Alla baionetta - giornale umoristico illustrato
New Haven Connecticut - s.n.

Allan Hancock Atlantic expedition. Report / Allan Hancock foundation
, N. 1-

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