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(The place of publication is not referred - s.n. , 1956 Monographic text ( Studio scenes in Hollywood) New York - Pix, (1951-1966) Graphic document Study of cost structures and cost finding procedures in the regulated transportation industries - prepared for United States department of commerce, November 1959 / R. L. Banks & associates. Washington Washington - R. L. Banks & associates, 1959 Monographic text The study of economic growth - thirty-ninth annual report - a record for 1958 and plans for 1959 / dir. of research Solomon Fabricant New York - National Bureau of Economic Research, c1959 Monographic text Study of hydrogen embrittlement of iron by internal-friction methods / by R. E. Maringer ... (and others) Washington - NACA, 1958 Monographic text The study of leadership / edited by C. G. Browne, Thomas S. Cohn Danville (Illinois) - Interstate, 1958 Monographic text The study of population - an inventory and appraisal / edited by Philip M. Hauser and Otis Dudley Duncan Chicago - University of Chicago, c1959 Monographic text The study of religion in the public schools, an appraisal - report of a conference on religion and public education / edited by Nicholas C. Brown Washington - American Council on Education, 1958 Monographic text Stuttering - a symposium / Jon Eisenson, editor ; with an introduction by Wendell Johnson New York - Harper & Brothers, c1958 Monographic text Style manual - for guidance in the preparation of papers for journals published by the American Institute of physics New York- American Institute of physics, 1959 Monographic text Subcellular particles - a symposium held during the meeting of the Society of general physiologists at the Marine biological laboratory - Woods Hole, Massachusetts, June 9-11, 1958 / edited by Teru Hayashi New York - Ronald Press Co, c1959 Monographic text Subcellular particles in the neoplastic process / consulting editor Cornelius P. Rhoads New York - New York Academy of Sciences, 1957 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text Subject Collections - A guide to special book collections and subject emphases as reported by university, college, public and special libraries in the United States, the Territories, an Canada / compiled by Lee Ash New York - Bowker, 1958 Monographic text Subject guide to books in print - an index to the publishers' trade list annual 1958 / edited by Sarah L. Prakken New York - Browker, c1958 Monographic text Subject headings used in the Dictionary catalogs of the Library of Congress - january 1956-deceber 1958, supplement to the 6. ed Washington - Library of Congress, 1959 Monographic text |