Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1956-1959

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Aczél, Tamás
The revolt of the mind - a case history of intellectual resistance behind the Iron Curtain / by Tamas Aczel and Tibor Meray
New York - Praeger, 1959
Monographic text

Adam, Karl (1876-1966)
The Christ of faith - the christology of the Church / by Karl Adam
New York - Pantheon books, ©1957
Monographic text

Adami, Giuseppe (1878-1946)
The Cloak - (from "La Houppelande" by Didier Gold" / libretto by Giuseppe Adami ; Giacomo Puccini ; new english version by Joseph Machlis
New York - Ricordi, c1956
Monographic text

Adamic, Louis (1899-1951)
Dynamite - the story of class violence in America / by Louis Adamic
New York ; London - Chelsea House publishers, 1958
Monographic text

Adams, Ansel
Artificial-light photography / Ansel Adams
Boston - New York Graphic Society, c1956
Monographic text

Adams, Ben
Alaska- the big land / by Ben Adams
New York - Hill and Wang, c1959
Monographic text

Adams, Doris Goodrich
Iraq's people and resources / by Doris Goodrich Adams
Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1958
Monographic text

Adams, Edwin P.
Smithsonian mathematical formulae and tables of elliptic functions / mathematical formulae prepared by Edwin P. Adams ... Tables of elliptic functions prepared under the direction of Sir George Greenhill, bart., by Col. R.L. Hippisley
City of Washington - The Smithsonian institution, 1957
Monographic text

Adams, Ephraim Douglass
Great Britain and the American civil war / Ephraim Douglass Adams
New York - Russell & Russell, 1956
Monographic text

Adams, Harlen Martin
speak up / by Harlen Martin Adams and Thomas Clark Pollock
New York - The MAcmillan company, c1956
Monographic text

Adams, Harold P.
Basic principles of student teaching / Harold P. Adams and Frank G. Dickey
New York - American Book Co., c1956
Monographic text

Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
The degradation of the democratic dogma / by Henry Adams ; with an introduction by Brooks Adams
New York - Capricorn Books, 1958
Monographic text

Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
The great secession winter of 1860-61, and other essays / by Henry Adams
New York - Sagamore Press, 1958
Monographic text

Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
A Henry Adams reader / edited and with an introduction by Elizabeth Stevenson
Garden City (N.Y.) - Doubleday Anchor books, 1958
Monographic text

Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
The United States in 1800 / by Henry Adams
Ithaca - Great Seal Books, 1957
Monographic text

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