Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1956-1959

Page no. 1206 of 1616       

Morehouse, Laurence Englemohr
Scientific basis of athletic training / Laurence E. Morehouse, Philip J. Rasch
Philadelphia (etc.) - W. B. Saunders, 1958
Monographic text

Moreland, Carrol Collier
Equal justice under law - the American legal system / by Carroll C. Moreland ; introduction by David F. Maxwell ; epilogue by Jefferson B. Fordham
New York - Oceana, c1957
Monographic text

Moreland, Roy
Modern Criminal Procedure / by Roy Moreland
Indianapolis - The Bobbs-Merrill Comapny, c1959
Monographic text

Moreno, J. L.
2- Foundations of psychotherapy / by J. L. Moreno ; in collaboration with Z. T. Moreno
Beacon (N.Y.) - Beacon House, 1959
It's a part of > Psychodrama / J. L. Moreno
Monographic text

Morgan, Arthur E.
The community of the future and the future of the community / by Arthur E. Morgan
Yellow Springs - Community service, 1957
Monographic text

Morgan, Clifford T.
How to study / Clifford T. Morgan and James Deese
New York - McGraw-Hill, 1957
Monographic text

Morgan, Clifford T.
Introduction to psychology / Clifford T. Morgan
New York - McGraw-Hill, 1956
Monographic text

Morgan, Clifford T.
Student's workbook to accompany introduction to psychology / Clifford T. Morgan
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1956
Monographic text

Morgan, Edmund M.
Some Problems of Proof under the anglo-american System of Litigation / Edmund Morris Morgan
New York - Columbia University Press, 1956
Monographic text

Morgan, Edmund Morris
Cases and materials on evidence / Edmund M. Morgan, John M. Maguire, Jack B. Weinstein
Brooklyn - The Foundation press, 1957
Monographic text

Morgan, Edmund Sears
The birth of the Republic - 1763-89 / by Edmund S. Morgan
Chicago - University of Chicago Press, 1956
Monographic text

Morgan, Edmund Sears
The Puritan dilemma - the story of John Winthrop / Edmund S. Morgan ; edited by Oscar Handlin
Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and co., c1958
Monographic text

Morgan, Howard E.
Turbojet fundamentals / Howard E. Morgan
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1958
Monographic text

Morgan, James (fl. 1958)
Our presidents - brief biographies of our chief magistrates from Washington to Eisenhower - 1789-1958 / by James Morgan
New York - The Macmillan Company, 1958
Monographic text

Morgan, Jeanne
The morphology and anatomy of american species of the Genus Psaronius / Jeanne Morgan
Urbana - The University of Illinois press, 1959
It's a part of > Illinois biological monographs
Monographic text

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