Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1956-1959

Page no. 1538 of 1616       

Villari, Luigi
The liberation of Italy - 1943-1947 / by Luigi Villari
Appleton - C. C. Nelson Publishing Co., 1959
Monographic text

Villari, Luigi
The liberation of Italy, 1943-1947 / by Luigi Villari
Appleton - C. C. Nelson, 1959
Monographic text

Villee, Claude A.
Biology / Claude A. Villee
Philadelphia and London - W. B. Saunders company, c1957
Monographic text

Villee, Claude Alvin
General zoology / Claude A. Villee, Warren F. Walker, Frederick E. Smith
Philadelphia ; London - W. B. Saunders, 1958
Monographic text

Villela de Chasca, Edmund
Estructura y forma en "El poema de mio Cid" - hacia una explicacion de la imitacion poetica de la historia de la epopeya castellana
Iowa city - State univ. of Iowa press ; Mexico - Editorial Patria, 1956
Monographic text

Vinacke, Harold Monk
Far Eastern politics in the postwar period / Harold M. Vinacke
New York - Appleton-Century-Crofts, (1956)
Monographic text

Vincent, Melvin J.
New foundations for industrial sociology / by Melvin J. Vincent and Jackson Mayers
Princeton, N.J. (etc.) - D. Van Nostrand, c1959
Monographic text

Vincenti, Walter G.
Calculations of the flow over an inclined flat plate at free-stream mach number 1 / by Walter G. Vincenti, Cleo B. Wagoner and Newman H. Fisher jr
Washington - NACA, 1956
Monographic text

Vine, W. E. (William Edwy)
An expository dictionary of New Testament words - with their precise meanings for English readers / by W. E. Vine, M.A
Westwood, N. Y. - Fleming H. Revell Company
Monographic text

Vinecke, Harold M.
Far eastorn polics in the postwar period / by Harold M. Vinacke
New York - Appletonn-Century-Crofts, c1956
Monographic text

Viner, Jacob
The long view and the short - studies in economic theory and policy / by Jacob Viner
Glencoe - The Free Press, c1958
Monographic text

Vinnegar, Leroy
Leroy walks / Leroy Vinnegar Sextet
Berkeley - Contemporary, c1958
Monographic text

Vinogradov, Aleksandr Pavlovich
The geochemistry of rare and dispersed chemical elements in soils / A.P. Vinogradov
New York - Consultants bureau ; London - Chapman and Hall, c1959
Monographic text

Virchow, Rudolf
Disease, life and man - selected essays / by Rudolf Virchow ; translated and with an introduction by Lelland J. Rather
Stanford - Stanford University Press, 1958
Monographic text

Visscher, Charles - de
Theory and reality in public international law / Charles de Visscher ; translated from the french by P.E. Corbett
Princeton - Princeton Univeristy press, 1957
Monographic text

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