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Order and history / Eric Voegelin Baton Rouge etc. - Louisiana state university press It's a part of > The collected works of Eric Voegelin / editorial board Paul Caringella ... et al. Monographic text Voegelin, Eric 3- Plato and Aristotle / Eric Voegelin Baton Rouge ; London - Louisiana State university press, c1957 It's a part of > Order and history / Eric Voegelin Monographic text Voegelin, Eric 3- Plato and Aristotle / Eric Voegelin (Baton Rouge) - Louisiana State University Press, c1957 It's a part of > Order and history / Eric Voegelin Monographic text Voegelin, Eric 2- The world of the Polis / Eric Voegelin Baton Rouge - Louisiana state University press, c1957 It's a part of > Order and history / Eric Voegelin Monographic text Voelker, John Donaldson Anatomy of a murder New York - St. Martin's Press, 1958 Monographic text Voelker, John Donaldson Anatomy of a murder / Robert Traver New York - Dell, 1959 Monographic text Voge, Marietta Development of hymenolepis nana and hymenolepis diminuta (cestoda- hymenolepididae) in the intermediate host tribolium confusum / by Marietta Voge and Donald Heyneman It's a part of > University of California publications in zoology Monographic text Vogelstein, Max Fertile Soil - a political history of Israel under the divided Kingdom / Max Vogelstein New York - American Press, 1957 Monographic text Vogt, Evon Z. Water witching U.S.A Chicago - University of Chicago Press, 1959 Monographic text Vold, George B. Theoretical criminology / Georg B. Vold New York - Oxford University Press, 1958 Monographic text Vold, Lawrence Handbook of the law of sales / by Lawrence Vold St. Paul, Minn. - West publishing, 1959 Monographic text Volk, William Applied statistics for engineers / William Volk New York - McGraw-Hill, 1958 Monographic text Volterra, Vito (1860-1940) Theory of functionals and of integral and integro-differential equations / by Vito Volterra New York - Dover Publications, c1959 Monographic text von Euler, U. S. Noradrenaline - chemistry, physiology, pharmacology and clinical aspects / by U. S. von Euler. Springfield - Charles C. Thomas Monographic text Von Glahn, Gerhard The occupation of enemy territory - a commentary on the law and practice of belligerent occupation / by Gerhard von Glahn Minneapolis - University of Minnesota Press, c1957 Monographic text |