Page no. 356 of 1780 |
Chicago, Ill. - Northwestern University School of law, 1951-1972 Magazine Journal of Croatian studies - annual review of the Croatian Academy of America New York - Croatian Academy of America, 1960- Magazine Journal of cuneiform studies New Haven - American school of oriental research, 1947 - Magazine Journal of dairy science - official publication of the American dairy science association Champaign - American dairy science association Magazine Journal of dental research - JDR - official publication of the International association for dental research Baltimore (MD) - Journal of dental research, 1919- Magazine Journal of dentistry for children - the official journal of ASDC and American acadmy of pedodontics Chicago (IL) (etc. - American society of dentistry of children, 1940-1968 Magazine The Journal of documentary reproduction Chicago - American library association, 1938- Magazine Journal of economic entomology - official organ of economic entomologists Concord - American Association of Economic Entomologists, 1908- Magazine The journal of economic history New York - Cambridge University press Magazine Journal of educational psychology Baltimore, MD - Warwick and York, 1910- Magazine Journal of educational research Vol. 1(1920)- Magazine Journal of educational research Madison - University of Wisconsin Magazine The journal of engineering education Lancaster, 1910- Magazine The journal of engineering education. Yearbook - supplement Lancaster, 1910- Magazine Journal of engineering for industry - published quarterly by the American society of mechanical engineers New York - ASME, 1959-1996 Magazine |