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V. 1 (may 1892)-v. 19 (oct. 1911)- (feb. 1911) ; n.s., v. 1 , n. 1 Magazine The Yale university library gazette New Haven (Conn.) - Yale university library, 1927- Magazine Yankee science in the making / Dirk J. Struik New York - Collier Books, 1962 Monographic text Yapan... New York - Time incorporated, 1962 Monographic text Year - the annual picture-history Los Angeles - Year incorporated ; New York - Simon & Schuster Magazine Year Book / American philosophical society Philadelphia Magazine Year book / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , (1911?)- Magazine Year book / Michigan society sons of the American revolution Detroit - R. E. Van Syckle Magazine The Year book of cancer / compiled and edited by Randolph Lee Clark jr and Russel W. Cumley Chicago - Year book publ., 1956-1988 Magazine The year book of drug therapy Chicago - Year book medical publishers, 1949-1998 Magazine Year book of endocrinology Chicago (IL) - The Year Book publishers, (©1951- Magazine The Year book of medicine 1949- . -Chicago - The Year book publishers, 1949- Magazine The year book of neurology, psychiatry and endocrinology Chicago - Year book, 1933-1945. Magazine The year book of orthopedics and traumatic surgery Chicago - Year book medical, 1947-1963 Magazine Year book of pathology and clinical pathology ... Chicago (Il) - The Year book publishers Magazine |