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Hypnosis in obstetrics- obstetric hypnoanesthesia New York ; Toronto - McGraw-Hill, 1961 Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) The Confessions of saint Augustine / translated by Edward B. Pusey ; introduction by Harold C. Gardiner New York - Washington square press, 1960 Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) The confessions of st. Augustine / translated by F. J. Sheed New York - Sheed and Ward, 1961 Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) The enchiridion - on faith, hope and love / St. Augustine ; edited with an introduction by Henry Paolucci ; with an analysis and historical appraisal by Adolph von Harnack Chicago - a Gateway edition Henry Regnery company, c1961 Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) - Ep. 185.-270 / (Aurelius Augustinus) New York ; London - Johnson reprint corporation, 1961 It's a part of > ?2- ?S. Aureli Augustini hipponiensis episcopi epistulae / ex recensione Al. Goldbacher Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 1-2- Epistulae / recensuit et commentario critico instruxit A. Goldbacher New York (etc.) - Johnson reprint, 1961-1971 It's a part of > Opera Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) On the psalms / St. Augustine ; translated and annotated by dame Scholastica Hebgin and dame Felicitas Corrigan New York ; Mahwah - Paulist press, c1960 Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) Opera New York ; London - Johnson Reprint Corp., 1961- Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 1- Psalms 1-29 / St. Augustine New York ; Mahwah - Paulist press, c1960 It's a part of > On the psalms / St. Augustine ; translated and annotated by dame Scholastica Hebgin and dame Felicitas Corrigan Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 1- Psalms 1-29 / St. Augustine Westminster (Maryland) - The Newman Press ; London - Longmans Green and Co., 1960 It's a part of > On the psalms / St. Augustine ; translated and annotated by dame Scholastica Hebgin and dame Felicitas Corrigan Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 2- Psalms 30-37 / St. Augustine ; translated and annotated by Dame Scholastica Hebgin and Dame Felicitas Corrigan New York ; Mahwah - The Newman press, c1961 It's a part of > On the psalms / St. Augustine ; translated and annotated by dame Scholastica Hebgin and dame Felicitas Corrigan Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 1- Sancti Aureli Augustini confessionum libri tredecim / recensuit et commentario critico instruxit Pius Knoll New York °etc. - Johnson reprint corporation, 1962 It's a part of > Opera Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 3- Sancti Aureli Augustini contra academicos libri tres ; de beata vita liber unus ; de ordine libri duo / recensuit Pius Knoll New York - Johnson reprint corporation, 1962 It's a part of > Opera Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) 1- Sancti Aureli Augustini De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum ad Marcellinum libri tres, De spiritu et littera liber unus, De natura et gratia liber unus, De natura et origine animae libri quattuor, Contra duas epistulas Pelagionarum libri quattuor / recensuerunt Carolus F. Urba et Josephus Zycha New York (etc.) - Johnson reprint corporation, 1962 It's a part of > Opera Monographic text Augustinus, Aurelius (santo) Sancti Aurelii Augustini episcopi De civitate dei libri 22 / recensuit et commentario critico instruxit Emanuel Hoffmann New York ; London - Johnson reprint, 1962 It's a part of > Sancti Aureli Augustini opera Monographic text |