Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1960-1962

Page no. 1125 of 1780       

Horowitz, Morris A.
Manpower utilization in the railroad industry - an analysis of working rules and practices / Morris A. Horowitz
Boston (MS) - Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Northeastern University, 1960
Monographic text

Horowitz, Morris Aaron
The structure and government of the Carpenters Union / Morris A. Horowitz
New York ; London - Wiley, 1962
Monographic text

Horrabin, J. F.
An atlas of Africa / by J. F. Horrabin
New York - Praeger, c1961
Monographic text

Horsefield, John Keith
British monetary experiments - 1650-1710 / by J. Keith Horsefield
Cambridge (Massachusetts) - Harvard University Press, 1960
Monographic text

Horseless Carriage Club of America
Horseless carriage club of America - roster of members, 1962
Los Angeles - (s.n.), pref. 1962
Monographic text

Horsfall, William R.
Medical entomology - arthropods and human disease / William R. Horsfall
New York - ronald press Co., c1962
Monographic text

Horsley, Lee Herbert
Azeotropic data-2. / compiled by L. H. Horsley ; with the cooperation of William S. Tamplin
Washington - American chemical society, 1962
Monographic text

Horsman, Reginald
The causes of the war of 1812 / by Reginald Horsman
New York - A. S. Barnes, c1962
Monographic text

Horst, Louis
Pre-classic Dance forms / by Louis Horst ; foreward by Henry Gilfond
New York - Kamin Dance, 1960
Monographic text

Horti, Thomas G.
Ideas for management / Thomas G. Horti
New York - Mcmillan, 1961
Monographic text

Horton, Elmer A.
Measured surface defects on typical transonic airplanes and analysis of their drag contribution / by Elmer A. Horton and Neal Tetervin
Washington - NASA, 1962
Monographic text

Hoselitz, Bert F.
Sociological aspects of economic growth
Glencoe - The free press of Glencloe, 1962
Monographic text

Hoselitz, Bert F.
Sociological aspects of economic growth / Bert F. Hoselitz
The place of publication is not referred - The Free Press, c1960
Monographic text

Hosler Loomis, Nina
New species of Gelidium and Pterocladia from the Pacific coast of the United States and the Hawaiian islands / by Nina Hosler Loomis
Los Angeles - The University of Southern California press, 1960
It's a part of > Allan Hancock foundation publications. Occasional papers
Monographic text

Hospers, John
Human conduct - an introduction to the problems of ethics / John Hospers
New York ; Burlingame - Harcourt, c1961
Monographic text

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