Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1960-1962

Page no. 1588 of 1780       

Slucevskij, Konstantin Konstantinovic
Stichotvorenija i poemy / K. K. Slucevskij ; podgotovka teksta, vstuputel naja stat ja i primecanija A. V. Fedorova
Moskva ; Leningrad - Sovetskij pisatel, 1962
Monographic text

Essentials of radio electronics / Morris Slurzberg, William Osterheld
New York (etc.) - McGraw Hill ; Tokyo - Kogakusha, ©1961
Monographic text

Smal-Stocki, Roman
The captive nations - nationalism of the non-Russian nations in the Soviet Union / Roman Smal-Stocki ; with a preface by Lev E. Dobriansky
New Haven - College and University Press, 1960
Monographic text

Small, Albion W.
The cameralists - the pioneers of german social polity / by Albion W. Small
New York - B. Franklin, 1962
Monographic text

Small, Miriam Rossiter
Oliver Wendel Holmes / by Miriam Rossiter Small
New York - Twayne, 1962
Monographic text

Small, Miriam Rossiter
Oliver Wendell Holmes
New York - Twayne Publishers, (1962)
Monographic text

Smart, Harold R.
Philosophy and its history / Harold R. Smart
La Salle (Illinois) - Open Court, 1962
Monographic text

Smedal, Harald A.
A flight evaluation of an airbone physiological instrumentation system, including preliminary results under conditions of varying accelerations / By Captain Harald A. Smedal, USN (MC), George R. Holden and Joseph R. Smith, Jr
Washington - NASA, 1960
Monographic text

Smedal, Harald A.
Physiological effects of acceleration observed during a centrifuge study of pilot performance / By Captain Harald A. Smedal, USN (MC), Brent Y. Creer, and Rodney C. Wingrove
Washington - NASA, 1960
Monographic text

Smellie, Kingsley Bryce
Great Britain since 1688 - a modern history / by K. B. Smellie
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan press, 1962
Monographic text

Smiley, Nixon
Tropical planting and gardening for South Florida and the West Indies / by Nixon Smiley
Coral Gables - University of Miami Press, 1960
Monographic text

Smiley, Robert F.
Mechanical properties of pneumatic tires with special reference to modern aircraft tires / by Robert F. Smiley and Walter B. Horne
Washington - NASA, 1960
Monographic text

Smillie, Wilson G.
Preventive medicine and public health / by Wilson G. Smillie. -3 ed.- New York - Macmillan, 1962
Monographic text

Smirnov, G. D
Electronic digital computers / by G. D. Smirnov ; translated from the Russian by G. Segal ; translation editor Jack C. Burfoot
New York (etc.) - Pergamon Press, 1961
Monographic text

Smirnov, Vladimir Ivanovic
Academician V. I. Smirnovs linear algebra and group theory / revised, adapted, and edited by Richard A. Silverman
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, 1961
Monographic text

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