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Chicago (etc. - Encyclopędia britannica, ©1964 It's a part of > Encyclopaedia Britannica - a new survey of universal knowledge. - Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia Britannica Monographic text 12- Im-Japan, A Ann Arbor (Michigan) - Edwards, 1964 It's a part of > Library of Congress catalog - books- subject - a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards, 1960-1964 Monographic text 12- L Chicago (etc.) - Field enterprises educational corporation, c1964 It's a part of > The World Book Encyclopedia Monographic text 12- Labb-Lipo New York - Rowman and Littlefield. Inc, 1964 It's a part of > The Library of Congress - a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards, 1948-1952 Monographic text 12- Lalo to Marsh New York - Grolier, c1963 It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Monographic text 12- Louis Philippe to Miocene New York - Grolier, c1965 It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Monographic text 12- M Chicago etc. - Field enterprises educational corporation, c1963 It's a part of > The world book encyclopedia Monographic text 12- Metropolis-Nevelson New York - Grolier, 1964 It's a part of > Encyclopedia International Monographic text 12- PURP-SCHO / edited by Frank N. Magill ; story editor, Dayton Kohler Philadelphia ; New York - Curtis books, c1964 It's a part of > Masterplots - digest of world literature / edited by Frank N. Magill ; story editor, Dayton Kohler Monographic text 12- QR Chicago ; Toronto - F.E. Compton & Company It's a part of > Comptons pictured encyclopedia and fact index Monographic text 12- Vermeer-Zygote Washington, D.C. - Publishers Company, 1964 It's a part of > The World University Encyclopedia - unabridged - an illustrated treasury of knowledge / (Harris Levin and Melville W. Feldman) Monographic text Washington, D.C. - United States government printing office, 1964 It's a part of > Investigation of the assassination of president John F. Kennedy - hearings before the President's commission on the assassination of president Kennedy - pursuant to executive order 11130 .. Monographic text New York ; London ; Frankfurt am Main - Johnson reprint - Minerva, 1964 It's a part of > Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia / ediderunt Guilielmus Baum eduardus Cunitz Eduardus Reuss Monographic text New York - Johnson Reprint Corp. ; London - Minerva ; Frankfurt a M. -Minerva, 1964 It's a part of > Joannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia / Ediderunt Guilielmus Baum, Eduardus Cunitz, Eduardus Reuss Monographic text Philadelphia - F.A. Davis Company, 1965 It's a part of > The cyclopedia of medicine, surgery, specialties / editor in chief John H. Moyer 3. ; consulting editor George Morris Piersol Monographic text |