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New York - American corporation, c1964 It's a part of > Encyclopedia americana - international edition Monographic text 16- Mona-Occ Ann Arbor (Michigan) - Edwards, 1964 It's a part of > Library of Congress catalog - books- subject - a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards, 1960-1964 Monographic text 16- Mushroom to ozonolysis Chicago (etc. - Encyclopędia britannica, ©1964 It's a part of > Encyclopaedia Britannica - a new survey of universal knowledge. - Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia Britannica Monographic text 16- Oude-Presh New York - Rowman and Littlefield. Inc, 1964 It's a part of > The Library of Congress - a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards, 1948-1952 Monographic text 16- Psychosis to Sauterne New York - Grolier, c1963 It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Monographic text 16- Q-R Chicago (etc.) - Field enterprises educational corporation, c1964 It's a part of > The World Book Encyclopedia Monographic text 16- Remedios to Shipping New York - Grolier, c1965 It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Monographic text 16- Rowson-Sofia New York - Grolier, 1964 It's a part of > Encyclopedia International Monographic text 16- S Chicago etc. - Field enterprises educational corporation, c1963 It's a part of > The world book encyclopedia Monographic text New York - Johnson Reprint Corp. ; London - Minerva ; Frankfurt a M. -Minerva, 1964 It's a part of > Joannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia / Ediderunt Guilielmus Baum, Eduardus Cunitz, Eduardus Reuss Monographic text 17 / Compiled by Bonaventure Kiley TOR V, 335 p. - ill ; 28 cm It's a part of > Series A - Copy D / by Bonaventure Kiley Archivist TOR Monographic text 17 / edited by G. H. Bourne, J. F. Danielli New York ; London - Academic press, 1964 It's a part of > International review of cytology / edited by G. H. Bourne, J. F. Danielli Monographic text 17 papers on functions of complex variables / Dzrbasjan, M.M. ... (and others) Providence - American mathematical Society, 1963 It's a part of > American mathematical society translations Monographic text 1765-1964 - two hundred years of American plays - an exhibition arranged to celebrate the bicentennial of the publication of Thomas Godfrey's «The prince of Parthia» Providence, R.I. - John D. Tockefeller jr. Library, 1965 Monographic text 17- (1884-1900) - (Marc-P) / compiled by the Royal Society of London (The place of publication is not referred) - Johnson Reprint Corporation - Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1965 It's a part of > Catalogue of scientific papers / compiled and published by Royal Society of London Monographic text |