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It's a part of > The puritans - a sourcebook of their writings / edited by Perry Miller and Thomas H. Johnson ; bibliographies revised by George McCandlish Monographic text 1- (*Brachiopoda) / by Alwyn Williams (and others) (Boulder) - the Geological Society of America ; (Lawrence) - University of Kansas Press, 1965 Monographic text 1- (1860-1863) - (A-Clu) / compiled and published by Royal Society of London (The place of publication is not referred) - Johnson Reprint Corporation - Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1965 It's a part of > Catalogue of scientific papers / compiled and published by Royal Society of London Monographic text 1- / assembled with an introduction by Derek T. Whiteside New York, London - Johnson Reprint C.,1964 It's a part of > The mathematical works of Isaac Newton / Isaac Newton ; assembled with an introduction by Derek T. Whiteside Monographic text 1- / by Alvin Williams (and others) (New York) - Geological Society of America ; (Lawrence) - University of Kansas Press, 1965 It's a part of > ?Part H- ?Brachiopoda / Alwyn Williams ... (et al. Monographic text 1- / by Charles Sprague Sargent , 1965 It's a part of > Manual of the trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico) / by Charles Sprague Sargent Monographic text 1- / by Ernest P. Walker ; associates Florence Warnick ... and others Baltimore - the Johns Hopkins press, 1964 It's a part of > Mammals of the world / by Ernest P. Walker ; (associates) Florence Warnick ... (et al.) Monographic text 1- / Donald Lee Hersh Ann Arbor - UMI, 1963 It's a part of > Verdelot and the early madrigal music / Donald Lee Hersh Monographic text 1- / edited by Harold W. Stevenson It's a part of > Child psychology - the sixty-second yearbook of National Society for the Study of Education / by the Yearbook committee and associated contributors ; edited by Harold E. Stevenson ... et al. . ; edit... Monographic text 1- / edited by R. Tucker Abbott Philadelphia - published by the Department of mollusks, Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, 1959-1967 It's a part of > Indo-Pacific Mollusca - monographs of the marine mollusks of the tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans / edited by R. Tucker Abbott Monographic text 1- / Emily Dickinson ; edited by Thomas H. Johnson Cambridge (Massachusetts) - Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963 It's a part of > The poems of Emily Dickinson - including variant readings critically compared with all known manuscripts / edited by Thomas H. Johnson Monographic text 1- / J. R. Kantor Chicago ; Granville - The Principia Press, 1963 It's a part of > The scientific evolution of psychology / J. R. Kantor Monographic text 1- / Michael Faraday New York - Dover, 1965 It's a part of > Experimental researches in electricity / by Michael Faraday Monographic text 1- / par Charles de Remusat New York - AMS Press, 1973 It's a part of > Histoire de la philosophie en Angleterre depuis Bacon jusqu'a Locke / par Charles de Remusat Monographic text 1- / Saul Sack Harrisburg - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission It's a part of > History of higher education in Pennsylvania / Saul Sack Monographic text |