Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 342 of 2181       

Encyclopedia of social work - successor to the Social work year book / Harry L. Lurie editor
New York - National association of social workers, c1965
Monographic text

The Encyclopedia of the jewish religion / edited by R. J. Zwi Werblowsky and Geoffry Wigoder
New York - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1965
Monographic text

The Encyclopedia of world art
New York ; Toronto ; London - McGraw-Hill, 1959- .
Monographic text

Encyclopedia of world art
New York ; Toronto ; London - McGraw-Hill book company, ?1959?- .
Monographic text

Encyclopedia of world art
New York ; Toronto ; London - McGraw-Hill book Company, ?1959?- .
Monographic text

Encyclopedia of world art
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill book Company, (1959)-1968
Monographic text

The Encyclopedia of X-Rays and Gamma Rays / ed. by George L. Clark ... and others
New York - Reinhold, c1963
Monographic text

Encyclopedia Year Book - (Events of 1963)
It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work
Monographic text

Encyclopedia Year Book 1964 - events of 1963
New York - Grolier, 1964
It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work
Monographic text

Encyclopedia Year Book 1965
New York - Grolier, 1965
It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work
Monographic text

Encyclopædia Britannica World atlas - world distributions and world politcal geography, political-physical maps, geographical summaries, geographical comparisons, glossary of geographical terms, index to political-physical maps / geographical editor G. Donald Hudson ; managing editor Ruth E. Martin ; under the general editorial Harry S. Ashmore and John V. Dodge
Chicago (etc. - Encyclopædia Britannica, ©1963
It's a part of > Encyclopaedia Britannica - a new survey of universal knowledge. - Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia Britannica

Los Angeles - Association for the study of internal secretions, 1917-

Endogenous metabolism with special reference to bacteria / consulting editor Carl Lamanna ; authors Carl Lamanna ... (and others) ; editor Harold E. Whipple ; managing editor Stanley Silverzweig
New York - New York Academy of Sciences, 1963
It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences
Monographic text

Endogenous metabolism with special reference to bacteria / consulting editorCarl Lamanna.- New York - The New York Academy of Sciences, 1963
Monographic text

The enduring Federalist / edited and analyzed by Charles A. Beard
New York - Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., stampa 1964
Monographic text

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