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Washington - NationalGallery of Art, c1965 Monographic text John Steinbeck - an exhibition of American and foreign editions - (the Humanities research center, the University of Texas, May 1963) (Austin - Humanities research center, 1963) Monographic text John Wesley / edited by Albert C. Outler New York - Oxford university press, 1964 Monographic text The Johns Hopkins University circulars Baltimore - Published by the University Magazine The Johns Hopkins University. Studies in geology Baltimore - Johns Hopkins press, 1922- Magazine 11- Johnstown to Louisiana New York - Grolier, c1964 It's a part of > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Monographic text Johson City, Texas, Dec. 28 - president Lyndon B. Johnson stands in front of the LBJ ranch house .. (New York) - AP wirephoto, 1963 Graphic document Joint motion - method of measuring and recording / American Orthopaedic Association ...(etc.) (The place of publication is not referred) - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1965 Monographic text Jonathan Swift - an enquiry into the behaviour of the Queens last ministry / ed. by Irvin Ehrenpreis Bloomington, Ind. - Indiana Univ. Press, 1956 Monographic text Jose Luis Cuevas of Mexico - july 16, to august 22, 1963 / (Jose Gomez Sicre) Washington - Pan American Union, 1963 Monographic text Josef von Sternberg - ten stills New York - Museum of modern art, c1965 Graphic document Journal / American Water Works Association New York (NY) - AWWA, 1914- Magazine Journal / Water pollution control federation Washington (DC) - WPCF, 1960-1989 Magazine Journal belge de rhumatologie et de medecine physique = Belgisch tijdschrift voor reumatologie en fysische geneeskunde - official organ of the Societe belge de medecine physique et de readaption Brussells - Les publications "Acta medica belgica", 1964-1976 Magazine Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris sous le règne de François premier - 1515-1536 / publié pour la Société de l'histoire de France d'après un manuscrit inédit de la Bibliothèque impériale ; par Ludovic Lalanne New York - Johnson Reprint Corp., 1965 Monographic text |