Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 1458 of 2181       

Katona, George
The mass consumption society / George Katona
New York °etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1964
Monographic text

Katona, George
Private pensions and individual saving / by George Katona
(Ann Arbor) - Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1965
Monographic text

Katona, George
Psychological analysis of economic behavior / by George Katona
New York (etc.) - McGraw Hill, 1963
Monographic text

Katsanis, Theodore
Use of arbitrary quasi-orthogonals for calculating flow distribution in the meridional plane of a turbomachine / by Theodore Katsanis
Washington - NASA, 1964
Monographic text

Kattsoff, Louis O.
Finite mathematics - with applications in the social and management sciences / Louis O. Kattsoff, Albert J. Simone
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill ; Tokyo - Kogakusha, c1965
Monographic text

Katz, Alfred Hyman
Health and the community - readings in the philosophy and sciences of public health / Alfred H. Katz, Jean Spencer Felton
New York - Free Press ; London - Collier-MacMillan, c1965
Monographic text

Katz, Amnon
Classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, field theory / Amnon Katz
New York ; London - Academic Press, 1965
Monographic text

Katz, Elihu
Personal influence - the part played by people in the flow of mass communication / by Elihu Katz and Paul F. Lazarsfeld ; with a foreword by Elmo Roper
New York - Free press, 1964
Monographic text

Katz, Herbert
Museums, U.S.A. - a history and guide / Herbert & Marjorie Katz
Garden City, N.Y. - Doubleday, 1965
Monographic text

Katz, Jerrold J.
An integrated theory of linguistic descriptions / Jerrold J. Katz, Paul M. Postal
Cambridge, Mass. - The MIT Press, c1964
Monographic text

Katz, Robert
An introduction to the special theory of relativity / Robert Katz
Princeton, N.J. - D. Van Nostrand company, c1964
Monographic text

Katz, Robert L.
Empathy - its nature and uses / Robert L. Katz
(New York) - Free Press of Glencoe, (1963)
Monographic text

Katz, Wilber Griffith
Religion and American constitutions
Evanston - Northwestern University press, (1964)
Monographic text

Katzenellenbogen, Adolf
Allegories of the virtues and vices in mediaeval art - from early Christian times to the thirteenth century / Adolf Katzenellenbogen
New York - Norton, c1964
Monographic text

Katzenellenbogen, Adolf
The sculptural programs of Chartres cathedral / Adolf Katzenellenbogen
New York ; London - Norton, 1964
Monographic text

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