Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 1535 of 2181       

Leet, L. Don
Physical geology / L. Don Leet, Sheldon Judson ; illustrator Edward A. Schmitz
Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) - Prentice Hall, c.1965
Monographic text

Leeuwen, Arend T. - van
Christianity in world history - the meeting of the faiths of East and West / by Arend Th. van Leeuwen ; foreword by Hendrik Kraemer ; translated by H. H. Hoskins
New York - Scribner, c1964
Monographic text

Lefever, Ernest Warren
Crisis in the Congo - a United Nations Force in action / Ernest W. Lefever
Washington (D.C.) - The Brookings Institution, 1965
Monographic text

Lefevre, Carl A.
Linguistics and the teaching of reading / Carl A. Lefevre
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill Book Company, c1964
Monographic text

Leffler, George L.
The stock market / by George L. Leffler
New York - Ronald, c1963
Monographic text

Rates and equilibria of organic reactions - as treated by statistical, thermodynamic and extrathermodynamic methods / by John E. Leffler and Ernest Grunwald
New York ; London - J. Wiley and Sons, c1963
Monographic text

Lefschetz, Solomon (1884-1972)
Differential equations- geometric theory / Solomon Lefschetz
New York - Interscience Publishers, (1963)
Monographic text

Lefschetz, Solomon (1884-1972)
Lectures on differential equations / Solomon Lefschetz
New York - Kraus reprint, 1965
Monographic text

Lefschetz, Solomon (1884-1972)
Stability of nonlinear control systems / Solomon Lefschetz
New York ; London - Academic press, 1965
Monographic text

Lefschetz, Solomon (1884-1972)
Topics in topology / Solomon Lefschetz
New York - Klaus Reprint Corporation, 1965
Monographic text

Leftwich, Richard H.
The price system and resource allocation / Richard H. Leftwich
New York (etc.) - Holt-Rinehart and Wiston, 1964
Monographic text

Leftwich, Richard H.
The price system and resource allocation / Richard H. Leftwich
New York (etc.) - Holt-Rinehart and Wiston, 1965
Monographic text

Legge, J. D.
Indonesia / J.D. Legge
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, 1964
Monographic text

Legman, Gershon
The horn book - studies in erotic folklore and bibliography / by G. Legman
New York - University books inc., c1964
Monographic text

Legum, Colin
Pan-Africanism - a short political guide / Colin Legum
New York (ecc.) - Frederick A. Praeger Publ., 1965
Monographic text

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