Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1963-1965

Page no. 1605 of 2181       

Marston, John
The Dutch courtesan / ed. by M. L. Wine
Lincoln - University of Nebraska press, 1965
Monographic text

Marston, John
The fawn / ed. by G. A. Smith
Lincoln - University of Nebraska press, 1965
Monographic text

Marston, John
The malcontent / ed. by M. L. Wine
Lincoln - University Nebraska press, 1964
Monographic text

Marston, John E.
The nature of public relations / John E. Marston
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 1963
Monographic text

Marston, John E.
The nature of public relations / John E. Marston
New York - McGraw-Hill Book Company, c1963
Monographic text

Martellaro, Joseph A.
Economic development in Southern Italy, 1950-1960 / Josepha A. Martellaro
Washington - The Catholic University of America press, 1965
Monographic text

Marteney, P. J.
Experimental investigation of the opacity of small particles / By P. J. Marteney
Washington, D. C. - NASA, 1965
Monographic text

Marti, Samuel
Dances of Anahuac - the choreography and music of precortesian dances / Samuel Marti and Gertrude Prokosch Kurath
New York - Wenner-Gren Foundation for anthropological research, 1964
Monographic text

Martimort, Aimé Georges
The signs of the new covenant / Aime Georges Martimort
Minnesota, 1963
Monographic text

Martin Scheerer memorial meetings on cognitive psychology (1962 ; Lawrence)
Cognition - theory, research, promise - papers read at the Martin Scheerer Memorial Meetings on Cognitive Psychology, University of Kansas, may, 1962
New York ; Evanston ; London - Harper & Row, ©1964
Monographic text

Martin, Alfred - von
Sociology of the Renaissance / by Alfred von Martin ; introduction to the Torchbook edition by Wallance K. Ferguson
New York ; Evanston - Harper & Row, 1963
Monographic text

Martin, Bernard
The existentialist theology of Paul Tillich / Bernard Martin
New Haven - College & University Press, 1964
Monographic text

Martin, Dean Frederick
Coordination compounds / Dean F. Martin, Barbara B. Martin
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill book company, ©1964
Monographic text

Martin, Edley Wainright jr
Electronic data processing - an introduction / by E. Wainright Martin, Jr.
Homewood, Ill. - Richard D. Irwin, 1965
Monographic text

Martin, Frederick Harold
Closed-loop near optimum steering for a class of space missions / by Frederick Harold Martin
Hanover (Maryland) - NASA Center for aerospace information, 1965
Monographic text

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