Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1966-1968

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1 / edited by M. Nikolic
New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, c1968
It's a part of > Methods in subnuclear physics / edited by M. Nikolic
Monographic text

1 / edited by Max Farrand
New Haven - Yale University Press, 1966
It's a part of > The records of the federal convention of 1787 / edited by Max Farrand
Monographic text

1 / edited by Max Farrand
New Haven - Yale University press, 1966
It's a part of > The records of the Federal Convention of 1787 / edited by Max Farrand
Monographic text

1 / edited by Morton Dauwen Zabel
Gloucester - P. Smith, 1968
It's a part of > Literary opinion in America - essays illustrating the status, methods, and problems of criticism in the United States in the twentieth century / edited by Morton Dauwen Zabel
Monographic text

1 / edited by R. Duncan Luce, Robert R. Bush, Eugene Galanter
New York (etc.) - John Wiley and sons, c1963
It's a part of > Handbook of mathematical psychology / ed. by R. Duncan Luce, Robert R. Bush, Eugene Galanter
Monographic text

1 / edited by R. L. Cool, R. E. Marshak
New York etc. - John Wiley, c1968
It's a part of > Advances in particle physics / edited by R. L. Cool, R. E. Marshak
Monographic text

1 / edited by Randolph L. Braham
New York - World federation of Hungarian Jews, 1966
It's a part of > Hungarian-Jewish studies / edited by Randolph L. Braham
Monographic text

1 / Edited by Richard Taylor
New York - Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1966
It's a part of > Scientific memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies, and from foreign journals / edited by Richard Taylor
Monographic text

1 / edited by Robert. J. Havighurst
Chicago - Nsse, 1968
It's a part of > Metropolitanism its challenge toeducation - The sixty-seventh yearbook of the national society for the study of education / by the yearbook committe and associated contributors ; editors for the soci...
Monographic text

1 / edited by S. Ehrenpreis, Othmar C. Solnitzky
New York - Academic Press, 1968
It's a part of > Neurosciences research / edited by S. Ehrenpreis, Othamar C. Solnitzky
Monographic text

1 / edited by Sigmund Skard and Henry H. Wasser
Philadelphia, Penns. ; University of Pennsylvania Press, 1966
It's a part of > Americana Norvegica - Norwegian contributions to american studies / editors Sigmund Skard and Henry H. Wasser
Monographic text

1 / Edited by William J. Mitchell and Felix Salzer
New York ; London - Columbia University Press, 1967
It's a part of > The music forum / edited by William J. Mitchell and Felix Salzer
Monographic text

1 / editorial publication board Nicholas Biddle Scova ... (and others)
New York - Mediad Incorporated, c1968
It's a part of > Automation in analytical chemistry - ?(?Technicon Symposia 1967)
Monographic text

1 / editors Frederick Seitz, David Turnbull
New York - Academic Press, 1955
It's a part of > Solid state physics - advances in research and applications / founding editors Frederick Seitz, David Turnbull
Monographic text

1 / editors Norman L. Allinger, Ernest L. Eliel
New York (etc.) - Interscience Publishers, c1967
It's a part of > Topics in stereochemistry / editors Norman L. Allinger, Ernest L. Eliel
Monographic text

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