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Washington - National archives and records service, General services administration, 1967 It's a part of > Guide to records of the Italian armed forces / the National archives Monographic text 1 / Thomas Chatterton New York - AMS Press, 1968 It's a part of > The poetical works of Thomas Chatterton / with an essay on the Rowley poems by Walter W. Skeat, and a memoir by Edward Bell Monographic text 1 / Thomas Hart Benton New York - Greenwood Press, 1968 It's a part of > Thirty years view or a history of the working of the American Government for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850 (...) / by Thomas Hart Benton Monographic text 1 / Thomas Hutchinson New York - Burt Franklin, 1967 It's a part of > The Hutchinson papers / Thomas Hutchinson Monographic text 1 / Thomas I. Emerson ... (and others Boston ; Toronto - Little, Brown and Co., 1967 It's a part of > Political and civil rights in the United States Monographic text 1 / translated by Alexander Barclay New York - AMS press, 1966 It's a part of > The ship of fools / translated by Alexander Barclay Monographic text 1 / V. S. Varadarajan Princeton (etc.) - Van Nostrand, c1968 It's a part of > Geometry of quantum theory / by V. S. Varadarajan Monographic text 1 / Vladimir Lamansky New York - B. Franklin, 1968 It's a part of > Secrets d'Etat de Venise - documents, extraits, notices et etudes, servant a eclaircir les rapports de la Seigneurie avec les Grecs, les Slaves et la Porte Ottomane a la fin du 15. et au 16. siecle /... Monographic text 1 / William Blades New York - B. Franklin, (1966?) It's a part of > The life and typography of William Caxton, Englands first printer, with evidence of his typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the printer at Bruges / Compiled from original sources by Willi... Monographic text 1 / William Feller New York ; London ; Sidney - Wiley & Sons, c1968 It's a part of > An introduction to probability theory and its applications / William Feller Monographic text 1 / William L. Blackwell Princeton, N.J. - Princeton university press, 1968 It's a part of > The beginnings of Russian industrialization, 1800-1860 / William L. Blackwell Monographic text 1 / William Lee - Rist. anast. ; with corrective letter by Worthington Chaucey Ford New York - Burt Franklin, 1968 It's a part of > Letters of William Lee 1766-1783 / collected and edited by Wortington ChaunceyFord Monographic text 1 / William Stephen Ann Arbor (Mich.) - University Microfilms Inc., 1966 It's a part of > A journal of the proceedings in Georgia Monographic text 1 / with a foreword by Charles U. Daly Chicago - University of Chicago, (1968 It's a part of > ?1- ?China's heritage and the communist political system / edited by Ping-ti Ho and Tang Tsou. Monographic text 1 / with an english translation by George Norlin Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press ; London - W. Heinemann, 1966 It's a part of > Isocrates - in three volumes / with an english translation by George Norlin Monographic text |