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New York - Rowman and Littlefield, 1967 It's a part of > Dictionary catalog of the National agricultural library - 1862-1965 Monographic text 3- Art nouveau to beetle (New York) - Crowell Collier and Macmillan, 1967 It's a part of > Collier's Encyclopedia - with bibliography and index / William D. Halsey editorial director ; Louis Shores editor in chief ; Robert H. Blackburn consultant for Canada, Frank Francis consultant for Gr... Monographic text 3- B to Bird's Foot It's a part of > Encyclopedia americana - international edition Monographic text 3- B to Birds New York - Americana corporation, c1967 It's a part of > The encyclopedia Americana Monographic text 3- Balfour to Both Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1966 It's a part of > Encyclopaedia Britannica - a new survey of universal knowledge. - Chicago (etc.) - Encyclopaedia Britannica Monographic text 3- Ballads 114 to 243 Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1966 It's a part of > The traditional tunes of the Child ballads - with their texts, according to the extant records of Great Britain and America Monographic text 3- Beny-Cas Totowa (N.J.) - Rowman and Littlefield, 1966 It's a part of > Library of Congress catalog - books- subjects - a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards, 1955-1959 Monographic text 3- Bible (Complete) - Basque to Brannon, (George) - See Richmond / British Museum New York - Readex Microprint Co., 1967 It's a part of > General Catalogue of printed books to 1955 / British Museum Monographic text 3- Books 8.-11 London - Heinemann ; Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press, 1968 It's a part of > The city of God against the pagans / Saint Augustine ; with an english translation by George E. McCracken Monographic text 3- Boring-Children in Gt. Brit New York - Rowman and Littlefield, 1968 It's a part of > Library of Congress catalog - a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards - books- subjects, 1950-1954 Monographic text 3- C to Ch Chicago (ecc. - Field enterprises educational corporation, c1968 It's a part of > The World Book Encyclopedia Monographic text 3- Can to Col San Francisco etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1967 It's a part of > New catholic encyclopedia / Prepared by an editorial staff at the Catholic University of America Monographic text 3- Colo to Cult, - New York - Macmillan, c1968 It's a part of > International encyclopedia of the social sciences / David L. Sills, editor Monographic text 3- Covering the Palomar survey fields of the declination zones +36 deg., +42 deg., +48 deg., +54 deg. between 5h 30 m and 20h 00m in right ascension (The place of publication is not referred) - California institute of technology (Zuerich - Offsetdruck L. Speich), 1966 It's a part of > Catalogue of galaxies and of clusters of galaxies / prepared by F. Zwicky ... (et al.) Monographic text 3- D-Drama- St / New York Public Library. Research Libraries Boston, Mass. - Hall, 1967 It's a part of > ?2- ?Theatre collection - books on the theatre Monographic text |