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New York - Reinhold Publishing Corporation, ©1967 Monographic text The chromosome - structural and functional aspect / a symposium organized by George Yerganian, Miami, June 1-4, 1965 ; Clyde J. Dawe, editor Baltimore - Williams and Wilkins, 1967 Monographic text Chronic diseases and public health / edited by Abraham M. Lilienfeld and Alice J. Gifford ; in collaboration with the conference of chronic disease training program directors of schools of public health Baltimore - Hopkins, c1966 Monographic text Chronica monasterii S. Albani / edited by Henry Thomas Riley Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1965- Monographic text The chronicle editorial review - published quarterly / San Francisco Chronicle , San Francisco - s. n. Magazine The Chronicle of fu Chien - a case of exemplar history / translated and annotated with prolegomena by Michael C. Rogers Berkeley ; Los Angeles - University of California press, 1968 Monographic text Chronicon abbatiae rameseiensis a saec. X. usque ad. an. circiter 1200 in quatuor partibus ... / cura W. Dunn Macray Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1965 Monographic text Chronicon Angliae Petriburgense / iterum post Sparkium cum Cod. MSto contulit J.A. Giles New York - B. Franklin, 1967 Monographic text Chronicon monasterii de Abingdon / edited by Joseph Stevenson Millwood - Kraus reprint, 1967-1968 Monographic text Chronique du Mont-Saint-Michel - 1343-1468 / publiee avec notes et pieces diverses relatives au Mont-Saint-Michel et a la defense nationale en Basse Normandie pendant l'occupation anglaise par Simeon Luce New York ; London - Johnson Repr. Co., 1966 Monographic text Chronique du Mont-Saint-Michel - 1343-1468 / publiée avec notes et pièces diverses relatives au Mont-Saint-Michel et à la défense nationale en Basse Normandie pendant l'occupation anglaise par Siméon Luce New York ; London - Johnson Repr. Co., 1966 Monographic text Chroniques des églises d'Anjou / recuellies et publiées pour la Société de l'histoire de France par MM. Paul Marchegay et Émile Mabille New York - Johnson Repr. Corp., 1968 Monographic text Chronology of the United Nations / edited by A.G. Mezerik New York - International review Service, 1961- Magazine 2- Chu-fan-chi / Chau Ju-Kau (i.e. Ju-Kua) New York - Paragon book reprint corp., 1966 It's a part of > ?(?Chu-fan-chi) / Chau Ju-Kua Monographic text Chucklebait - funny stories for everyone / selected by Margaret C. Scoggin New York - Laurel Leaf Library, 1966 Monographic text |